Gongyi Wuying unknowingly filled her stomach while waiting, and the waiter consciously cleaned up the table after confirming that she would no longer lift the table for dinner, and arranged for fruit tea brewing that could be eaten and drunk after dinner.

The music changed. At the moment, it was as soft as running water. For a moment, she was confused. In this aristocratic reception, she picked up a cup. This cup is neither a common porcelain nor a jade cup symbolizing noble spirit. It is as bright as glass.

The waiter poured tea for her. The tea was pink and poured into the cup. It became more and more fragrant in the bright light.

Gongyi has no shadow and his eyebrows are slightly coagulated. The psychedelic brilliance and strange fruit fragrance can not cover up the very shallow and faint smell of jiaoqin. It is precious and rare, but it is a good thing to nourish the mind and calm the Qi.

She suddenly remembered something, unfolded her fan and said to herself, "the meal is finished. Is this going to change clothes or people? For a moment?"

The idea unfolded with the expansion of the fan. She actually felt that the person she met at the moment would really be another person.

Step by step footsteps came from behind, but when Gongyi looked back, the figure suddenly took a big step closer and apologized to her: "you've been waiting for a long time."

There was no obvious trace in his brown clothes. His face did not change, but his tone changed. His voice as soft as the moonlight became calm and solemn at the moment. He hugged his fist and apologized, but it was not as leisurely and natural as before.

Gongyi felt strange, smiled faintly, and then stood up, "it doesn't hurt."

When she got up, she seemed to return a half salute to her. She made a "please" gesture and said in her heart: why is it so awkward?

Even so, the man sat down opposite Gongyi after Gongyi had no shadow.

Gongyi looked at him with no shadow, and his eyes became more and more strange.

The person opposite flashed a glimmer of vigilance, took out the Pearl Flower from his arms and presented his hands in front of her.

Gongyi shadowless: "..." what do you mean? Did I disappear for a moment and ask me to return the fan to him after examining the pearl flowers? His goal should not be this fan, but now he seems to be changing back to the fan as if he wants to complete the task.

She investigated him carefully on his face. The eyes of the people opposite were cold and strangers were not close.

How does it look like you've really changed? Although she thought so, she took the Pearl Flower and pushed the fan in front of him through the table.

The person opposite picked up the fan and looked back. The inspection action was serious, but his eyes looked like perfunctory without a trace of fluctuation.

Gongyi took the cup without a shadow and looked at it through the bright light.

The man opposite put the fan in his arms and got up to salute again: "don't disturb your taste of tea. I'll leave."

Gongyi almost choked his throat with a mouthful of tea, frowned and looked at his back as he strode away. He was speechless except for anger.

A bowl of apple soup was said to be ordered for me. After the conversation, I forgot that there was this bowl of soup, but it poured in front of me inexplicably. Some artificial words succeeded in arousing the princess's interest. There was another sharp turn like changing clothes but like changing people. Do you sing the oboe alone? Use this precious but strange tea to tempt the princess?

Her face changed slightly, but she was restored to normal in the electric light flint. No wonder it changed so much. The table was clapped and whispered, "come out!" this is the reason that this person has brought me here. There must be many Eyeliner here. The arrival of Yi Yu is discovered by them.

The brown figure disappeared in front of him. Yi Yu stared at him for a long time. His figure and posture... The Lord saw that he was not the man, but he could take away the fan. It was not Wu Jinyue, but also his confidant.

"Lord." Yi Yu approached and saw the paper seal with the word "brother Jin" written on the table, the handwriting on the Lord, the title... Does the LORD already know the owner of the fan?

"When did you catch up? Have you figured it out?"

"My subordinates think what the LORD said is reasonable, so..."

"What prince said..." is it reasonable? Gongyi asked quietly.

Since the war of the Apocalypse array, Gongyi has become more and more dignified. Yi Yu and others have no doubt in front of her, not to mention disobedience.

Yi Yu knew that the latter words were interrogative, but he didn't dare to hesitate to answer: "of course, it's the husband of the princess."

"He makes sense as soon as he says it. The princess's words will wait for you to figure it out?" Gong Yi has no shadow, his face remains unchanged, his tone is not good, but his heart is warm. "The prince asked you to follow him?" brother Chen is angry in his heart, but it makes Yi Yu's iron pimple soften the ban, but this place is too complicated... I'd better go down the steps first.

"The princess arrived at the Xiaoyao teahouse alone. It's conceivable that the prince was worried. When his subordinates left, he looked a little better." Yi Yu followed him and whispered.

"Don't get me off the point. Go back first."

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