The little fox looked at the dark forest, pursed his lips and thought deeply.

Ping Qiren felt good about her staring at the front. His mood suddenly improved. He walked over and immediately opened his mouth: "you just said Chen, Chen... What are you going to do?"

The little fox was slightly stunned. "Look, you don't know her details like this. Don't you know Chen? Is it interesting to pretend to be stupid?"

Ping Qiren said "Hey" and reluctantly said with a smile, "do you know if she is the wind, the wind, the wind what?"

The little fox took a swipe at the corner of his mouth. "Brother Wu said that you had hurt your brain when you were lying in bed for a few years. No wonder you answered that the ox head was wrong. It's not like pretending. He knew Princess Chen, but he didn't know that she was the famous King of Liu Lanyin face battle, and now Princess Tianchen?

Ping Qi looked unbearable. "You can believe what the witch said. Birds of a feather flock together."

I don't know how the little fox got close to Xiaofeng. Wu Jinyue didn't tell her that it was the famous Fengning in the past... Xiaofeng was the tip of King Chen's heart, but it was also the heartache of Wu Jinyue. He didn't appear early or late. But he appeared when King Chen stopped with Princess Cangyuan, and Wu Jinyue came out of the valley frequently. The little fox's motivation... Was lively.

Imagination is like a runaway horse. The more you think, the farther you go.

The little fox glanced at him with a dark hiss, but saw a dark figure under the torch, but it was light, and ran over at once.

"The forest is complex, so I can't bring out Ning'er." the voice was faint and not surprised, and there was no element of worry.

Shangguanzi ran seemed to be affected and calmed down.

Listen to Gongyi shadowless and continue: "Ning'er is very smart. The so-called extremes will turn around. Maybe it's quiet. Tomorrow she can get out of the forest safely."

The little fox's heart moved. Princess Chen was strange before and after. She was so worried when she entered the forest. She got nothing out of the forest, but she was calm. The eight princes listened to the lies with their eyes open and behaved well. His four-year-old daughter stayed alone in the forest infested with poisonous insects. He was so calm after hearing Princess Chen's words.

"In the past years, many of the past in shadowless's mind have been blurred, and the memory left behind is also incomplete fragments... Starling is always the person who knows shadowless best... When brother Chen comes, Starling must also know that it is not a pure visit, but no matter what happens, Starling must let brother Chen know that shadowless is the pain, and remember the good life before flowering and fruiting Go. "

These seemingly unrelated words fell, but the people listening had their own thoughts.

Shangguanzi's eyes changed slightly. She knew that the person in front of her was already her sister-in-law. As a family, she didn't want any conflict between herself and her fourteen brothers because of the concealment in those years.

Little fox really did not know how to describe his own thoughts. Princess Chen wanted to use her most euphemistic way to stop her husband from finding trouble for the witch elder brother. But when listening to this idea, Chen's provocation was all from selfish motives.

Ping Qiren was thinking that Xiao Feng was so meaningful. It can be seen that she was hit a lot in those years. She used to be the tip of the heart of King Chen. At the moment, she may have come to compete with Princess Chen. I remember that after she said she liked King Chen, she had fantasies about King Zhan. Who thought that the person she liked actually married her fantastical person

Eh, isn't she under the command of the war king? It's fair to say that the king of war's subordinates have fantasies about the king of war, but Xiaofeng is a woman, and the king of war is also a rare female Lord. Does this woman fantasize about women? What and what?

Also, why does Xiaofeng always claim to be shadowless? She changed her name? But why does the name sound like thunder?

He twisted his eyebrows and suddenly patted his head.

King Liu lanzhan, Gongyi has no shadow!

He seems to suddenly wake up. The little fox just said Chen, Chen... Chen what Chen? Isn't it Princess Chen?!

Starling said there were more shocking things... That is to say, Xiaofeng is Liu lanzhan king, now Princess Chen.

Ping Qiren's brain is mushy, but the thought of gossip is even more marginal.

Who is king Chen? I'm afraid it's to teach someone about his fantasy about his princess. Princess Chen doesn't mean anything to someone. You, Wu Jinyue, have a hard time

Over the years, Wu Jinyue has been depressed and hard to vomit. At the moment, it seems that he finally saw a good weather of Feng Shui rotation. His mood of schadenfreude spread rapidly. This enlightened gossip forced him to have another surprise - Xiaofeng is the king of Liu lanzhan. How did this legendary couple fight like that in those years?

The people around have almost withdrawn, and Gongyi shadowless and little fox have left.

Ping Qi forbeared to return to his mind. It was quiet around. He saw starling looking at himself motionless and quietly, as if he had always seen the depths of his heart. His face turned red. "It's not early. Starling withdrew so. Are you ready to go back and rest?"

Shangguanzi ran handed him the hat that Gongyi Wuying returned, "Xiaofeng, return it to you."

Ping Qiren took it with both hands and was very excited. "I didn't expect that such an ordinary thing as me also had a time to cover the wind and rain for the silver faced God of war who is famous all over the world."

"You have been standing alone with rich expression for so long, is it because you finally figured out such a thing?"

"I'm thinking that a man who is a powerful man on the mainland still moves as approachable as the breeze in those days, and Wang Chen comes here in micro clothes, which shows that he also acts in a low-key way." Ping Qiren gently puts his hat on his head, and his lips are slightly mocking, slowly spitting out his lips: "Their husband and wife are real legends. Where are they like some people? They say they disappear and live in seclusion, but they make his fan so noisy that they want to be known all over the world."

However, shangguanzi was speechless and whispered, "except for being overbearing, he has always been very low-key, very low-key..." but someone pulled the fan up to heaven. Now he took it.

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