Seeing that he was so angry, muyunxi didn't know what to say at the moment. After a moment, he explained: "I'm not afraid you're going to attack me, but I'm a little alert."

Yan Wuzheng's anger is only temporary. At the moment, her anger has already dissipated, but she is even more confused by her explanation. How can your highness Tangtang Zhan explain it again and again for such a small matter today?

Just thinking about it, suddenly I heard the noise of fighting from the top of the mountain. Muyunxi was about to use the lightness skill, but Yan Wuzheng grabbed it.

Yan Wuzheng held her right shoulder, exercised lightness skills and took her to the top of the mountain.

They waved their swords together and knocked down the puppet soldiers around.

Seeing that the clothes on Shangguan Yunxiao's body had been penetrated by various dyes and were in tattered condition, Muyun Xi was angry and scolded: "didn't I tell you not to come up? Do you know how dense the mechanisms on the top of the mountain are?"

"Yunxi, how's your injury? Sorry, I'm really worried about you." Shangguan Yunxiao quickly explained. In a hurry, he forgot to pay attention to his address, and then shouted to Yan Wuzheng: "if Yunxi has anything, I can't spare you."

"Well, Yunxiao, he doesn't mean any harm to me." muyunxi's face eased slightly.

Yan Wuzheng had already opened her eyes with surprise and looked at her incredulously - Yun Xi? That day, King Mo said that Miss mu, she, she... Is she really a woman?

He turned to think of her abnormal reaction just now. He seemed to understand something. He was very tangled for a moment. Isn't... Isn't she really Gongyi shadowless?

"Well, let's go down."

The words fell, bathed in the clouds, swept his body and flew down.

Yan Wuzheng regained his mind. He picked up Shangguan Yunxiao's shoulder and swept it down.

At the foot of the mountain, in addition to the four elite soldiers led by Shangguan Yunxiao, there are four more.

Once down the mountain, before Shangguan Yunxiao could speak, muyunxi angrily scolded: "let's not act rashly. You don't listen. Now Shangguan desert has cut off the suspension cable of the bamboo bridge. Don't you think we haven't lost ugly enough?"

Shangguan Yunxiao lowered his eyes and remained silent.

His Highness the great king of Su is now as honest as listening to the lesson. All the eight elite soldiers were stunned except Yan Wuzheng.

After all, this childe Muyun is only the counselor of the king Su in his identity, even if he has the ability and strength. Why is it not surprising? However, the suwang didn't mean to blame, and they naturally didn't dare to say more.

In fact, Mu Yunxi is just cruel. Why don't you know that Shangguan Yunxiao cares about her too much to go up the mountain?

After a while, Shangguan Yunxiao suddenly untied his belt.

"...." Mu Yunxi was stunned, subconsciously began to go, and said, "what are you doing?"

"Since the eldest brother can cut off the cable bridge to stop us from breaking the array, why can't I take off my clothes full of paint?" the upper official Yunxiao hooked his lips.

While talking, he had taken off his dyed clothes, leaving only a thin middle coat.

Muyun Xi could not bear to smoke at the corner of his mouth: "is that ok?"

"Uncle 14 just said that the clothes should not be stained with these pigments, and he didn't say that the clothes stained with pigments should not be taken off." a trace of cunning flashed in Shangguan Yunxiao's eyes and said, "fortunately, the pigment is not very deep, and this middle coat is very clean."

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