Shangguan Yuchen's attention hasn't left Yan Wuzheng. At the moment, his eyes fall back on the woman who has stood up.

"This is a palace banquet. Don't lose meaning."

In fact, there was a faint smile on her lips. Her clothes were gorgeous but only dignified. She seemed to have her own light when she raised her hands and feet, and what people couldn't ignore was her eyes. When she raised her eyelashes to see people, the faint momentum seemed to go deep into people's bones.

Yan Wuzheng's eyes flashed slightly, turned his head and resolutely walked to the middle of the ministers.

Because of the location of the Palace Banquet, almost no one took the women with her family, but Ling Yue, as the crown princess, naturally followed the crown prince. She followed the public instrument and had no shadow since childhood. The kind of master servant sisterhood made her smile and smile at her master and now the Emperor's sister.

Because of the idea of uncontested or misinterpreted, sister Huang is worried that uncontested will suffer losses, which comes from the king and the subjects. The retreat of father, emperor and mother clearly shows that they will not interfere with the problems between their siblings - the war king is already Princess Chen of Tianchen, just like the sword has been deeply placed in the scabbard. Although its deterrence always exists, its power is only at the moment when it comes out of the scabbard, and the prince is destined to shine, Who dares to touch the sharpening edge easily?

Between the war king and the prince, avoiding is undoubtedly the wisest choice. But on the one hand, sister Huang's words sharply increased the pressure that indisputable faced, but on the other hand, they injected infinite confidence into indisputable -- the prince was in full charge in the Jinluan hall.

Ling Yue's eyes changed slightly, but she saw that sister Huang also looked at her and smiled at her with deep meaning. Although brother-in-law Chen Wang next to sister Huang held a wine cup in his hand, his eyes looked at sister Huang. When sister Huang smiled at her, his face did not change, but he saw clearly that his hand shaking the cup seemed to spill some wine in the cup.

Just said, brother-in-law Huang's temperament, in the boundary of Liu Lan and under the eyes of sister Wang, how can he easily break up an accident?

Ling Yue smiled quietly in her heart.

Shangguan Yuchen turned to the other side of the hall and his sight fell on the figure opposite.

Wu Jinyue's body was slightly sideways, still dressed in black, twisted her head and tried to focus on the direction, as if she brightened the long neck of Jingruo Bailian, and suddenly shook the folding fan in her hand. The gently shaking fan made Shangguan Yuchen feel strange for no reason.

He looked back, his eyes seemed to sweep directly from Yan Wuzheng to the family's line of sight, and then slowly met Shangguan Yuchen's eyes. The light ink was like a grand scene of self-confidence.

——Not surprisingly, the undisputed Prince chose to clarify the latter in his father's disappointment and his sister's misunderstanding.

Shangguan Yuchen's eyes converged, and his sight fell on the woman sitting slowly again.

The red jade hairpin he gave her was obliquely inserted into the woman's sideburns. It was the only decoration on her head. The jade color was crystal clear, not ostentatious but dazzling for no reason.

Shangguan Yuchen smiled, but Yinger wanted his father to be proud of being indisputable.

The whole hall was very quiet. Yan Wuzheng stood in the center of the hall and raised his glass: "this is a state banquet for the king to return home. However, elder sister Huang should not drink. This first glass of wine will let the palace honor the hardworking and meritorious secretaries on her behalf."

The ministers raised their heads and watched more quietly, but gave little action response.

"Are you joking when you are the queen mother of the palace and let you drink and have fun, or do you doubt that the palace is in full control here, not adhering to the holy will of your father and Emperor?" Yan Wuzheng glanced at the people and his voice suddenly sank: "the palace asked you to raise your wine glass. Who dares to resist?"

Someone's hand has helped the wine lamp in front of him, but many generals' eyes are not far behind Yan Wuzheng.

——A light tea, tasting it carefully, moves leisurely, like a cup with fragrance... Is that ok?

Slowly, someone raised his glass.

Yan did not argue about the wine cup, and Shen Yin continued: "I Liu lanzhan king is world-renowned and famous all over the mainland. Now sister Huang is pregnant, Liu Lan is gratifying, and her son inherits the position of King Zhan..."

With a "Ding", a silver needle pierced the wall of the cup and perched firmly on his cup.

Yan Wuzheng was surprised. His sight was stiff. He looked at the wine cup with his hands. The other end of the silver needle penetrated into the glass of wine, reflecting the brilliant candlelight. The wine was slightly dazzling. The silver needle angle was tricky, impartial and oblique between his fingers holding the cup, and was under his own sight.

There will be no second person in Jinluan hall.

Elder sister Huang

Wu Jinyue clearly saw the silver light passing in front of her eyes. She glanced at the opposite side unconsciously. When she saw that the family had frowned, but she pursed her lips and held his princess's wrist in tears and laughter - this stimulated the uncontested prince to really compete with her in the right direction, but her method was very wrong. She was pregnant with six armours and abused internal breathing in the Jinluan hall.

Yan Wuzheng suddenly woke up. My sister knew what I was going to say. She was stopping it, because I didn't understand it again and again. At this time, I had to use the silver needle. This internal force, this angle, this accuracy

The civil and military ministers in the hall had already raised their glasses high, waiting for the prince to drop the last four words - it is natural and proper, but Yan Wuzheng's conversation changed: "to be considered."

There was a burst of consternation in the hall. Yan Wuzheng's lips were hooked, but he drank all the wine in the cup.

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