Soon after the biyunling competition, the time for the battle of the Apocalypse array was determined.

At this time, the sun's feet were inclined to the West. In the slight sound of carriages, several carriages took the team to mozhou with long shadows.

Yan Wuzheng lifted the curtain of the car and took a look at the long shadow in front of him.

Two months later, I will fight with my brother-in-law who is famous all over the world in the Apocalypse array... As their close relatives, my sister and brother-in-law must not be idle. I don't care about this. Blood is thicker than water, but the team can't stand wrong. It's necessary to listen to my sister.

The only thing I can't figure out is that the brother-in-law of God of war recommended himself, but asked me to conduct qualification examination... What kind of truth is this?

Brother-in-law Wang Chen is arrogant. He is always condescending and arrogant. He is so honest. When he thinks about the moment when his sister threw away the stick, Yan Wuzheng feels sorry for no reason. If he didn't listen to Wu Jinyue's nagging when he came out of the valley that day, he can rush ahead of Yi Yu to his sister's camp... What happened to the stick in his sister's hand?

There is no one outside the camp who can ask. If you can find a handle for my brother-in-law's arrogance and give a discount

The king Chen and his wife were in a carriage, while Yan Wuzheng took the same carriage with the king of Jin and the eighth Lord from Tianchen. There was a short distance between the way they came and went. The scenery along the way didn't notice much change, but they didn't know how much harmony they had.

"The prince wants to take the same bus with your brother-in-law and sister-in-law?" Wu Jinyue looked at Yan Wuzheng's side face. "The prince must be clear, which is good for entering the Apocalypse array."

"Cut." Yan Wuzheng hissed, "my sister and brother-in-law have their own ideas. Although the prince is confused, the general direction is still right. I don't need to worry about the development in the array this day?"

He raised his forehead and pointed, but he didn't know how to turn a big corner: "on the day of leaving the valley, the table... Who dares to be wild in my sister Huang's camp? Don't you think my brother-in-law was very honest that day?"

Wu Jinyue's lips were drawn and didn't respond for a long time.

But the shangguanzi on one side was surprised and uncertain, and interrupted: "no dispute, you say, fourteen... Very honest?"

Yan Wuzheng slightly described the situation that day, but added fuel to his sister's belly bulge and the posture of holding a stick in one hand, just to highlight what he saw that day. His sister's unspeakable momentum was very threatening. When he said this, he asked Wu Jinyue, "can't you see the king of Jin? I'm asking you."

Wu Jinyue raised her eyelashes slightly and said slowly, "Wu is not an immortal. How can we find out the cause and effect of things?"

"I saw it with my own eyes in the canyon. Your eyes can scare away the leopard and frighten the python. Don't be modest." Yan Wuzheng looked at him expressionless, "it's just a trivial embarrassment of your family, and there are no outsiders. What are you afraid of." doesn't it mean to reach a consensus? It's not enough to be so curious.

"Is this very important?" Wu Jinyue said lazily.

Yan Wuzheng raised his eyebrows, "My brother-in-law is known as the God of war, but he is not a real immortal. My imperial sister is as famous as him, but I don't know how many times more approachable than him... My palace is his brother-in-law, the crown prince of Liu Lan. When do you put your eyes in a normal position? My palace is in front of him. I know that my palace respects elders and loves children, and I don't know that I'm afraid of his name as the God of war, King Chen."

"No dispute, wronged you." shangguanzi suddenly drew from the corner of his lips, "in the Apocalypse array, you will be proud."

"It's a glorious defeat to be able to compete with my brother-in-law in the mozhou Apocalypse array, but if the victory is very special, people will be confused and talk with the population. I didn't care about the result..." Yan uncontested's tone didn't know when he became serious, "Who destroyed the mozhou Apocalypse array at the beginning? How much did the elder sister pay in this place? How could she have a sense of childishness?... the world only knows that the elder sister is as famous as her brother-in-law in the war, but how many people know the real price behind her? For eight years, her heart is as firm as ice, and her face without a smile is actually colder than that silver face. In those years, my elder sister always thought she was ashamed of her mission, but It is to remodel the mozhou Apocalypse array with the body of guilt. "

Shangguanzi looked at the Wu Jinyue on his side, bowed his head and sighed.

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