Gongyi shadowless fell asleep. When he woke up, he always felt in a trance. It seemed that when he opened his eyes, he saw indisputable. He was in a hurry and unprepared in his design. What he saw was that brother Chen lost all his face

I'm afraid only one knows the difficulty of starting the Apocalypse array with external force. Each level is like two gears that can interact with each other. Once the mechanism is started, the gears start to run... There is no time to think.

What brother Chen and Wuzheng hold in their hands is the key to each tooth. What they need is the accurate grasp of the law, the absolute correspondence in orientation, the complete cooperation between judgment and martial arts, and there is no room for any error in speed. Once the mechanism is opened, the flaw is blocked, that is, another mechanism is opened. One gear is not connected in time, hidden weapons fly everywhere, and the deviation of one mechanism, Lose everything.

She suddenly felt the holy land of Nanzhao, lost all her five senses, and finally passed the border in a daze, but the result

Gongyi, without shadow, trembled and suddenly opened his eyes. What came into his eyes was an uncertain candle. On the case was the reply of the arrangement process in the mozhou Apocalypse array.

Outside the door came the familiar, gentle footsteps.

She suddenly sat up. Before she could put on her shoes, she rushed to open the door. Fang stood still and was held in her hand.

Shangguan Yuchen was slightly surprised in his eyes, "what are you panicking about?"

Gongyi shadowless covered his cheek and stared at him. The situation in the dream was like a wild beast in her mind. She suddenly felt sad.

The design scheme has been spread to mozhou. He doesn't know how she is upset.

"Why doesn't the shadow even wear shoes?"

Her voice was in her ear, caring and gentle, but her tears fell down when she said it.

Shangguan Yuchen was a little flustered. He closed the door with his back hand, picked her up horizontally, and asked, "are you dreaming again?"

She hugged him with both hands, and the feeling after waking up seemed to linger, "if..."

He bowed his head and kissed her falling tears and said, "brother Chen, there will be no ifs here."

Uncontested looks like a fool, but he is tenacious and persistent in his bones. The terrain of mozhou Apocalypse array stretches in uncontested's mind. Although he only passed the terrain map, uncontested's random response has long been unexpected

Shangguan Yuchen put her to bed and leaned half against the soft pillow.

Gongyi shadowless shrunk and said with a smile, "these days, my body is becoming more and more clumsy, and the little guy in my stomach is becoming more and more restless. He always likes to kick me when he has nothing to do."

Shangguan Yuchen raised his arm and took her into his arms. With one hand, he pulled a thin blanket over her and lay on his side.

Gongyi shadowless raised the tip of his eyes and looked at him. He was about to close his eyes. Suddenly, he heard him say, "I always thought that in order to have no dispute, the mozhou Apocalypse array was a passing scene."

"Brother Chen also had a mistake." Gongyi said faintly, but his body didn't move. He leaned against his arms, and his face was red because of the rising temperature.

Shangguan Yuchen looked at her, "no matter how you look at it, it's my charming princess. How can you make a mistake? This mistake is not that I'm wrong, but that she has another headache. Liu lanzhan king, who is below one person and above ten thousand people, is the head of the rigid Gongyi family."

Gongyi has no shadow and his mouth is slightly drawn. He thinks that he has been eating and sleeping for a few days. He always thinks that Wuzheng is still around him with the terrain map. He is so attentive and understands his real mood. He can't say too much. Anyway, it's me who is rigid and he has a headache.

She sighed gently: "it seems that if the shadow always wears that silver face, brother Chen will not look out of sight."

Shangguan Yuchen's lips twitched and spoke more and more vigorously. He suddenly darkened, closed his eyes and stopped talking, but held her more tightly.

Gongyi shadowless simply leaned in his arms and closed his eyes.

The morning sun was shining through the window. Gongyi had no shadow before he opened his eyes vaguely. He heard a voice outside the door: "Lord, everything is ready. You can start after breakfast."

Gong Yi made a "um" sound.

Shangguan Yuchen opened his eyes. His indifferent eyes were still sleepy. He looked lazily at the people in his arms and said in a trance: "there are clearly two princes and princes in this room. Why do you just call them princes? This willow blue is too unruly."

"Here we go again." Gongyi shadowless bent his lips and whispered, "don't worry about brother Chen when you're out. You're the only one in this room."

Shangguan Yuchen was used in his heart, but he still muttered: "Lord Chen is a man who obeys orders and is in charge of his family."

"It's not obedient, it's dedicated to the whole thing." Gong Yi Wuying corrected with a smile.



In recent days, the inn is much more lively than in previous days. There are many carriages and horses inside and outside the inn. The inn is full.

The noise of discussion began to fall, and the people seemed to be in a hurry, but they kept talking. Did they take out the iron heart and the proud and loyal soul to talk?

If they didn't take it out and play with it when they were talking, I really didn't expect that the iron blood loyal soul and the proud bone loyal soul were two insignificant gadgets. Shangguan Yuchen took a look at the clay sculpture's hand shape and firmly held a heart in the center. The heart is generally divided into silver white and iron black. The silver white is the proud bone loyal soul, and the iron black is the iron blood loyal soul.

The most incredible thing is that this group of people are proud of holding this gadget. They all say that they are far away and dusty. They want to give their heart to the king of war.

He couldn't help but look at Gongyi, who was eating as if nothing had happened, and whispered: "do you Liulan people express your" Pride and compassion "to the king of war so frankly?"

Gongyi shadowless smiled and whispered, "it's not just Liu Lan, but also from other countries. It's reported that the mozhou border doesn't know how many people from Tianchen came."

"What is this?" Shangguan Yuchen was surprised.

Public instrument shadowless smiled, "24" iron blood hearts "and 24" proud and loyal souls "need to be selected in the mozhou Apocalypse array , it's enough to make them proud to put their own thoughts into the Apocalypse array. These 48 thoughts... Brother Chen should know their role. In the mozhou Apocalypse array, the contest between brother Chen and uncontested has spread more than Liu Lan. "

In the inn, a few silent and serious young people on a table are incompatible with the bustling scene, but the unified yard guard clothes are as quiet as no one.

There was only one person sitting on the adjacent table. The businessman was dressed up, noble and noble. There was a faint momentum when he raised his head.

Wu Jinyue shook the folding fan and looked away, but she glanced at the two people who whispered.

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