Shangguan Yuchen teased Xiaomu Tian as if there were no one else. It was really difficult for Gongyi to go to sleep.

She turned her eyes and glanced.

Xiao tianer's young hands opened, "get, get..."

Xiaomu Tian could call his mother in less than seven months. However, Shangguan Yuchen was anxious to let his daughter call him father. It was difficult for the child to turn his tongue. He retreated and asked for the second place, but he called his father.

"Have a request?" a voice spoiled low laziness.

Gongyi shadowless quickly got up and asked Su Xin to serve outside the temple. At one glance, he saw the little guy standing up along her father's arm. He didn't know when he had grabbed someone's hair.


"Loosen your little claws." Shangguan Yuchen saw his eyebrows but didn't see his eyes. "Father knows to serve."

Gongyi shadowless watched him walk out of the hall with the little guy. He sighed for a while. When I served brother Chen, you dressed, ate and slept. It turned out that this was the real retribution - Aojiao!

At the thought that she was not far from tianer's first birthday, she sighed, God's will, I don't know what is God's will?

There was a sound outside the hall, like Ye Fei.

"His Highness the prince sent someone to report that the last pass of this year's martial arts test round is scheduled to be seven days later. Ask the Lord, is it still the same as in previous years?"

"Since Wang has given him the full power to host this year's military test, he will let him do it himself and just report the results."

"His Highness the crown prince said that the top three selected this year may be directly promoted to the court guards and accompany the emperor. Moreover, this year, no less than in previous years, regardless of status, only on ability, not limited to men and women."

"Oh?" the tone of Shangguan Yuchen was lower and forbearance, "is it so informal?"

"The emperor has acquiesced..." Ye Fei's voice is more and more respectful. "The prince said that these elites selected at all levels are looking forward to the appreciation of the Lord."

Gongyi shadowless tied his waist button hand slightly. It sounds that brother Chen should personally check in the last selection every year, regardless of identity, men and women, just about his ability. It means that there are changes this year, but he is ready to let go?

Outside the door came a young, uh huh voice.

"Don't bother, don't bother..." the voice was indescribable, and then Shangguan Yuchen's tone changed suddenly: "maybe the arrangement of this year's martial arts test is some adjustments made by Yunxiao to cater to tianer's mother concubine... Might as well."

The tone seemed to be emotional and bleak.

Gongyi's shadowless heart felt inexplicably painful. What happened to Princess Guan, who was chosen by the Chen palace that day? Brother Chen is too lazy to care. Does he want to spend more time with tianer?

"My subordinates leave first."

With the sound of footsteps going away, several other people came into the hall with several trays, put the two plates of different colors and shapes on the floor together with the plates, and then stepped back.

Looking at all kinds of snacks and gadgets on the plate, Gongyi was in a trance.

When feng'er and Ning'er were still looking for it carefully, Xiao Mu Tian could accurately grasp the ring shaped things hidden under various shapes and colors. He tried it several times and tried it repeatedly. It was amazing that a child a few months old was naturally sensitive to this shape. Brother Chen was shaking his tail in front of Starling.

Someone likes this and not that, but Gongyi has no shadow, but he always feels that this feature began with Tian'er holding a ring-shaped snack in Shangguan Yunxiao palace.

Tian'er was not generally happy with Xiao'er, but he would call his brother before he got it.

"I'll play with Tian'er today."

A voice of laughter came from his ear. Gong Yi said without shadow. Sure enough, the serious martial arts test didn't intend to go to the governor's field, but he tried every means to tease the child here.

She turned her head and was about to speak, but she saw a small hand on a gorgeous face in front of her eyes, and then her lips softened.

Then he smiled at her, "don't you sleep more?"

The scene was really warm, setting off the more magnificent smile.

Gongyi silently said, "if there's nothing serious to do, how about leaving for Liulan?"

Like the moment when the parting of life and death came, Shangguan Yuchen smiled and said, "... After seven days, brother Chen must be present at the last level of the martial arts test." I thought I could spend more time with tianer, but I didn't expect to be met, but I set out early.

Gongyi shadowless trembled in his heart. Brother Chen, you were in a panic.

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