Yue sang said "yes" decisively. She shook her hand and tied it to her heart. In that way, she seemed afraid that she would regret if she ignored it.

Shadow is no longer casual, but her tone is the same as her martial arts. As long as she is released, she has power. Shangguan Yuchen holds Xiaomu sky behind the shadowless public instrument. Naturally, she can't see her expression. She just feels that shadow's decision is so casual, which is somewhat intriguing.

I think it was just a coincidence that the flame butterfly entered the forbidden area along with incense, and then he broke into Ning valley. As the head of Gongyi family, the Lord of Ning valley was mercilessly blamed in public. The king of war under one person and over ten thousand people dared not defend, but knelt down and denied

It's a chance for several generations to become a member of Ninggu. The father, Liu Lan, is supreme in the ninth five year plan. His wife is crazy. So far, he hasn't been able to make a half step into Ninggu. It's more difficult to enter Ninggu than to enter Shenji camp. The word "fortune" uttered by Ying'er is of far-reaching significance - Tian'er's identity has changed.

Shangguan Yuchen looked at tianer, who was sleepy in his arms, but he was misty, but forced to open his big eyes. He looked at his smiling little tianer in a cute manner, and vowed to think that the king had been calm about tianer's future life as usual. This time, Liu Lan had no desire to force him. It was just that the husband and wife were united, and his profit broke the gold. The shadow wanted it. Of course, the king wanted to help.

At the beginning, Wu Jinyue went to Liu Lan with the king and did not loosen the iron plate of Gongyi family rules, but shook Ying'er's determination to inherit the throne of king forever.

I saw the woman turn around and walk towards him with a smile. She smiled YingYing and stretched out her arm. The lock edge of the dark red warp sleeve was close to her arm, but there was no jewelry. The lock edge was invisible and dazzling, which made her bright wrists more and more like frozen snow.

Shangguan Yuchen thought and wanted to hold it with one hand. However, his wish had not been fulfilled, but the little guy in his arms moved.

"Give it to me." Gongyi shadowless smiled, "tianer is going to sleep."

Shangguan Yuchen then said, "tianer is fine in my arms. Especially when I want to sleep, I pick people more and more. Why bother so much?"

"Tian'er is always confused. When are you picky again?"

"When I was with her father, I didn't even give you face many times." Shangguan Yuchen admitted that he always wanted to dominate tianer.

Gongyi shadowless hugged Xiaomu day and lightly picked his eyebrow, "look."

She turned and walked a few steps, holding Xiaomu Tian in front of yuesang, "you can coax the little princess to sleep."

There seemed to be a smile between her eyebrows and eyes, but her tone did not allow people to think much.

Yue Sang was slightly stunned and quickly stretched out his arms to pick up the little princess.

Shangguan Yuchen's eyes narrowed. When did the king allow Yue sang to serve tianer?

But this doesn't seem to be the key point. Tian'er not only didn't feel any discomfort in yuesang's arms, but also affectionately extended her small arm. The reaction was more itchy than playing coquettish in his arms, more comfortable than around the shadow.

Tian'er is actually happy with yuesang, just like sticking to the most pleasant little partner.

Gongyi shadowless glanced at him and said to Yue sang, "the little princess is spoiled by her father and prefers a certain shape, but her identity, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, swords, swords and halberds must be proficient in everything... If you want to accompany the little princess, you must first let the princess see that under your influence, she can also be interested in other things of a certain shape."

Yue sang looked depressed. "Princess, this is the talent of the little princess, not the problem of being spoiled. Yue sang thought..." the problem can be changed, but the talent can't be erased.

"You don't have to listen to Princess Ben's words at all." Gong Yi interrupted in a deep voice, "From then on, you can't eat, drink or sleep, and stay close to the little princess until you do this. If you haven't let the princess see a trace of progress until you leave for Liulan, then your state is not suitable for accompanying. There is only one chance, how to make your own decision."

Shangguan Yuchen stood in a daze. He didn't eat, drink, sleep, and never left... The emotional shadow was teaching yuesang what he had just done. Just this arrangement, whether tianer wanted it or not, and didn't ask me if I would answer it or not, which one did she punish?

He looked at Xiaomu Tian, who lay obediently in yuesang's arms, and sighed silently. This "problem" has been cultivated for half a year. Is it too early to talk about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, swords, guns, swords and halberds?

He looked at yuesang leaving with Xiaomu Tian in his arms, immersed in unacceptable emotions.

Ignoring his depression, a woman summoned Yi Yu and said, "send someone to monitor him in turn at twelve hours. No matter who she contacts, let that person come to see the king immediately."

Yi Yu was ordered to leave.

Shangguan Yuchen finally couldn't bear it. "Shadow, you don't trust me. You have to do this. Has this king and tianer seriously offended you?"

Gongyi shadowless said, "if it hadn't been for the production of tianer, brother Chen, you would have taken such a clever step. The king has asked Wuzheng to accept the silver ring of the king of war outside the bedroom hall. Where would tianer be one year old and listen to the will of heaven?"

Because of the delay, when the king rushed into the bedroom hall, his soul was almost gone. At that time, his life was hanging on the line. At the moment, you said it so lightly. Shangguan Yuchen was angry, "I know your plan, but do you make it clear now?"

"Liu Lan is now stable and has the ability to take over the position of king of war without dispute. However, the king of war has a heart and the crown prince has no intention. In particular, it is difficult to violate the holy will. The so-called tianer's first birthday depends on the will of heaven, which is just the father's reason for the decision of the next generation of king of war." Gongyi's invisible line of sight fell outside the door. It was late, and the moonlight came from the door in a faint light, Her eyes suddenly darkened, "why does Tian'er have a special preference for circular objects?"

Gongyi shadowless slowly raised his left hand, and the silver ring on his finger shed light, "looking at this thing, will brother Chen have a trace of association?"

This silver ring, which represents the authority of the king of war, is the most authentic ring.

"For Tian'er, as long as he looks at the patterns again and again, he can easily put them together. It's strange that children under the age of one can't become so-called heaven's will. However, after finding that Yue sang and Tian'er can't get along well overnight, he should know that all these have been carefully arranged. Hasn't brother Chen ever thought about it After all, why did the king of Jin, who had committed a terrible disaster in his father's eyes, leave without fear, danger and damage? "

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