Since he was pregnant with his child, his care for the child has increased day by day. Tianer was born. He has almost contracted all the responsibilities of taking care of tianer. Even in the military camp, he holds tianer as if there were no one else. His reluctance and love for tianer

She saw it in her eyes and kept it in her heart.

Today, she is full of confidence

Brother Chen should be waiting for the result he wants.

But Tian'er got the silver face and silver ring successively. It was difficult to deny the result. What brother Chen said before Tian'er entered the battle was undoubtedly to tell everyone that it was expected that Tian'er could untie the nine links.

Why is it expected? The ring Tian'er took out has proved to everyone that her talent and the intentional cultivation of the war king.

Gong Yi has no shadow. He just feels that he can't describe his mood at the moment. He feels more and more strongly that his hands are turned over into clouds and covered with rain. He originally thought that the dust had settled today. If he can, maybe his father and Emperor will give tianer's full name - Shangguan bathe the sky.

I never thought that as the head of Gongyi family, I couldn't say a word when tianer brought the silver ring.

As long as you open your mouth, the king of war is accommodating her husband, and the providence witnessed by the whole world is no longer meaningful.

What annoys her most is that men seem to want to toss about.

Gongyi's shadowless look was lighter, but his eyes were filled with an inseparable emotion. "King Chen thinks that the next generation of the master of Gongyi aristocratic family can still make repeated decisions?"

Aware that all eyes were stunned, Shangguan Yuchen was shocked and said, "shadow, what did you call me just now?"

"King Chen, aren't you?" Gong Yi smiled coldly.

Hearing this sentence, shangguanzi ran trembled all over his body and was surprised in situ. It was wrong for fourteen and his younger brothers and sisters.

Yan Wuzheng quickly patted Guan Ziran's back and comforted: "don't be nervous, Starling. What to call is not the key, the key is the back." - Xiao tianer's surname is Gong Yi, so it can't be repeated.

Gongyi shadowless didn't bother to pay attention to Shangguan Yuchen's shocked face. He quietly stretched out his hand to hold Xiaomu Tian in his arms and smiled at Shangguan Yuchen: "tianer, the mother imperial concubine taught you to dig a pit."

Shangguan Yuchen's face was hard to see for a moment. The woman was really angry. Someone didn't show up, which was a big misunderstanding.

His figure intentionally or unintentionally stopped in front of Gongyi, but suddenly looked at Yan longyi with a slightly impatient voice: "Tianer became the next generation leader of Gongyi aristocratic family according to heaven's will. Now it's no longer the minister who doesn't accept tianer. Tianer didn't have a surname before he was one year old. This year, except for Liu Lan's expectation, Tianchen doesn't have no idea. Gongyi Mu Tian is Liu Lan's favorite, but Yu Tianchen should also have a saying. Don't your father think you need someone who can't have a direct relationship with Liu Lan The person who faces Tianchen and has certain persuasive ability in Tianchen proves that this is the real choice of heaven's will? "

In fact, these words have been obvious enough, but Shangguan Yuchen added without worry: "envoys from all countries in the mainland gathered. With the wisdom of his father and emperor, he probably had prepared this man long ago."

If this person doesn't show up, it's not his fault.

As soon as he said this, everyone's faces changed.

Shangguan Yunxiao: "......" the whole Tianchen, who dares to find uncle 14? You want your daughter to say that her surname is not Shangguan? Which family is dead?

Shangguanzi ran: "......" the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry. It turned out that he wanted to force someone to reveal his true appearance.

Yan Wuzheng: "..." where is the reason to take back the father's will? My brother-in-law clearly means something

Liu lanwen, the military general of the Minister: "..." I have made up my mind to fight with Wang. I've been tossing with you for so long.

Envoys: "..." King Chen wanted to turn the table, and the king of war wanted to get angry. The struggle between the two kings was the climax.

Gongyi's face sank to the extreme in an instant. If it was really a change of heart, it would be enough to re identify tianer's identity. But if he secretly cooperated with someone who had promised with his father, he tried to turn over the results of today's dust settlement again

She strode towards Yan longyi with little Mu Tian in her arms and said, "my father had expected that he would not give up. It's better to do as he wanted."

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