Yan Wuzheng glanced at him.

——The faint taste of wine made his posture more lazy and his cold face more gentle. He looked at the front with a shallow rippling fundus, which seemed to bring some joy.

"Brother in law, do you want to go into Fenghua palace unconsciously?" Yan Wuzheng's concern is very straightforward.

Shangguan Yuchen returned slightly, leaned back and said faintly, "let me think."

Then he touched his waist with one hand and put his hand into his sleeve.

Yan Wuzheng thought he was a little uncomfortable, but heard him say, "Wuzheng, what do you think is more appropriate?"

"Ask me?" Yan Wuzheng subconsciously felt that he was almost fooled again. Isn't this pretending to be crazy with wine to make me decide? My brother-in-law even knows how to find a cushion when he is drunk.

"I can't do that. The palace doesn't think it's appropriate. You'd better go back to Yuying palace honestly."

Just then, the coachman outside said, "Your Highness, we are going to the gate of the palace."

The hand in Shangguan Yuchen's sleeve was pulled out again, and his fingers bounced outward slightly. The curtain in front of the car fell down, and the light could only penetrate a little from the window, which was much darker in the car.

In the dark, he bowed his head slightly, as if he couldn't hide his mind.

Yan Wuzheng didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that his brother-in-law gave him a sense of desolation at the moment.

My daughter may be sent to Ninggu at any time. If the palace is still gloating, don't be damned by heaven?

He said sincerely, "if your brother-in-law wants to enter Fenghua palace directly, he will be stopped."

"I've thought about it. Fly in."

"Well, that's OK. My brother-in-law's skill is still trustworthy." Yan Wuzheng said thoughtfully, "but even if you arrive at Fenghua palace, how can you enter the bedroom hall? Sister Huang is not a vegetarian."

"Also... I've done enough preparatory work. I'll have to see her tonight."

"How hard?" Yan Wuzheng naturally understood that his brother-in-law wanted to break in, so he said: "you can't do it in the middle of the night. It's the Queen Mother's bedroom, but you two husband and wife can't make jokes there."

Shangguan Yuchen suddenly smiled. In the dim light, he waved his hands like a flustered teenager, suddenly whimsical, inexplicably making people feel.

He said, "I can pry the window."

Yan Wuzheng: "... I don't admire my brother-in-law. You can't do it."

Yan Wuzheng found that the person in front of him seemed to have more than one thing in his dancing hand and asked, "what's in your hand?"

"It's a tool to pry the window. It's a sacred thing of the YUEWU family. It's brought to Ning Valley by tianer."

Shangguan Yuchen immediately closed his hand and then separated. The faint light flashed, as if there was a sharp cold.

"What a sharp beam!" Yan Wuzheng exclaimed.

But he heard Shangguan Yuchen say, "snake scale dagger."

Yan Wuzheng suddenly felt that he had blasphemed the snake scale dagger by staring at his brother-in-law's hand with this kind of downward looking eyes. As expected, his brother-in-law was secretly looking up! Where is this to pry the window? It's said that this thing... Can cut the window directly.

It was my mother's bedroom. The window was cut when I spent the night.

Take the holy thing of YUEWU family and pry the window. It's a thrilling beam of light



It was quiet outside the hall. A white figure fell like a leaf from the back wall outside the hall. There was no sound when it landed, but the white didn't get into the night.

Shangguan Yuchen naturally knew that he didn't notice when he came, but he was abandoned and changed his way. It's probably that the defense of the back palace was weak. Today's situation is especially special, and no one dares to disturb him.

He stopped under the window, and there seemed to be no light in the window.

The cool night breeze hit his slightly feverish face, feeling both excited and comfortable.

He took out the snake scale dagger and adjusted the breath in his body to the lowest.

No one would have thought that someone would dare to pry the window under the window of the Queen's bedroom when the war King stayed.

There was hardly any sound, and the window could no longer be closed.

Shangguan Yuchen looked up at the sky. The moonlight was bright. He couldn't help but be happy. There seemed to be no movement in it.

As soon as the dagger light was closed, Shangguan Yuchen had quietly fallen into the hall.

Through the moonlight, he looked at the bed in the bedroom hall, turned around and covered the closed window. He thought: the shadow has been tired all day and is probably asleep. How should he wake her up? Then talk to her about what she must say.

Shangguan Yuchen hung his head and tangled for a while, and then stood up straight as if angry. Why should the king look for his princess to do something shady?

He thought so, but his hands and feet could not help but slow down. He went to the bedside and opened the curtain of the bed, but at that moment, there was a light behind him.

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