Shangguan Yuchen's eyes are cold and thin, and the corners of his lips evoke a cold radian.

Yan Wuzheng has been talking for so long. He is so excited. How can he tolerate the initiator, Gu Jing wubo? He was careless by nature and could not be restrained, but fate forced him to follow the rules. The solemn and calm image in front of his father, emperor and ministers and subordinates had made him suffocate. It was his constant pursuit to fight with people of his brother-in-law's level.

Thinking of the "docile" abnormal appearance of the divine figure who drank too much wine last night, Yan Wuzheng couldn't help but tease her. Elder sister Huang was angry with him. He actually took elder sister Huang's jade order to affect the power of the court.

At this moment, I finally saw that Shangguan Yuchen recovered his usual look of cold crumbs. Yan Wuzheng was secretly happy while subconsciously hiding back. He raised his hand as a defense and said, "don't look at me like this. I didn't say what I shouldn't say. For example, sister Huang occupied Fenghua Palace, and your brother-in-law stole the window in the middle of the night..."

Shangguan Yuchen said, "your howling can be louder."

People in the palace were far apart, but Yan Wuzheng's voice was really low for several points: "just at that time, elder sister Huang said goodbye to her father. All adults learned that Zhan Wang Yuling had been handed over to others. Do you want to" support "and how to" support " Naturally, I want to beg for the truth. Unexpectedly, elder sister Huang ignored it. She just asked her father to leave the palace and go to Ninggu immediately. Elder sister Huang doesn't know your intention? I ignore you. It depends on how you behave like a demon, but make the hearts of the whole court like a mirror. This is to throw the pot away. Chen's new gambling house, the king Chen with the jade order of the war king, can you not give face?

Therefore, the father asked them to send a representative to mediate. The overall situation of Xiaoshi and daughter has been decided. How can we mediate? Who dares to mediate between the two kings of war and Chen? Just as the so-called immortal fight and the little devil suffer, everyone knows. Who points will hang his head, who points will kneel... "

"Although the palace was a little slow, it also knelt." Yan Wuzheng said "ha ha" twice. "Finally, in the whole court, sister Huang was the only one who stood out from the crowd. Therefore, the father and Emperor pushed the boat with the water, praised King Zhan for understanding the truth and made it clear that he handled the matter in person. In that case, the emperor was not allowed to play before the emperor."

It turned out that this was probably the reason. Shangguan Yuchen suddenly realized, "where is your sister Huang Rushi?"

Why are you staring at me now? It's not that I can't get along with you. Yan Wuzheng calmed down in front of Shangguan Yuchen's increasingly dark face, and said against the risk: "use your own brain."

I didn't get a response for a long time. I just felt that there was a pressing momentum, which made people's scalp tight for a while.

Yan Wuzheng met his threatening sight and said, "pick up the people. Whoever does evil with the jade order is where the elder sister is."

Dead Taoist friends don't die. Brother-in-law, you succeeded in passing on sister Huang's anger to Wu Jinyue.

He thought like this and then said, "if you dare to take my sister Huang's order, you don't want to be a second person. Fortunately, this person can withstand pressure..."

Shangguan Yuchen's face changed, so that fuben Wang was handed over to Chen Qingfeng. Ying'er was looking for Wu Jinyue's trouble, and he would take Chen Qingfeng first. But the king delivered him not only the Fuer of Ying'er, but also the king's entrustment. It can't be

Yan Wuzheng didn't finish his words. Suddenly he felt a gust of wind passing

I thought he was ancient, but it turned out to be magnificent.



The chariot passed through the street without delay. It was like instant silence on all sides, and people fell on the ground.

The woman's silver crown and tight black hair hung behind her. Her skin was white and polished. She was very light and handsome. Her glass like eyes were particularly cold and almost rigid.

Seeing Chen Qingfeng salute her on one knee without saying anything and admit that she is wrong, she has no waves and no waves.

"Are you wrong? Just wrong?"

"My subordinates are entrusted by the Lord and ignore the taboo of the king of war. Yes, yes... Yes, guilty." Chen Qingfeng looked straight ahead and knelt quietly in front of Gongyi. He was calm, but he couldn't carry the sadness from the bottom of his heart.

"Hand it in." Gongyi has no shadow and the sound quality is faint.

Wu Jinyue, standing not far from Gongyi's shadowless body, coughed imperceptibly.

Chen Qingfeng held Yu Ling's hands and said, "the LORD said, it's not what you want, it's worthless in your heart..."

Wu Jinyue suddenly choked, resolutely threw away her sight, looked up at Guan Zi Ran, raised her step and walked to the door.

Looking at the bodyguard standing at the door, shangguanzi understood and followed closely.

"The family came and tried to delay outside."

The voice was like a faint air flow passing by his ears. Shangguanzi looked puzzled, -- why?

"The guard recited the words explained by the clan very well. It's just that the mechanically copied opening remarks are not expressive at the moment. I'm afraid it's burning and pouring oil. This person's punishment is small, and the clan's face is big. The king of war is angry, and the clan is protective of his shortcomings. If this person can't get through at the moment, the clan and the princess will have a climax."

Shangguanzi suddenly realized that he must have a plan by rote. At the moment, if he is not polite, he must have drunk enough to change the plan. He said, Wu Jinyue's sex, how can a vulgar outsider touch the "moon washing" that only belongs to Xiaotianer?

He was still thinking about what had changed after drinking, so he listened to the sneer behind him: "so, your king will treat what he wants to protect as priceless?"

Chen Qingfeng only felt cold for a while. In the world of the war king, the king wants to protect... Short.

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