Gongyi shadowless smiled and said: "King Jin, hello... I have no choice but to win the Qianqiu gambling house with the king's jade order and let the gambling house change its name immediately. The four incense incense time forced the owner of the gambling house to sign the deed of sale, which made the soul restless overnight. The crooked ways that didn't bother to blow the dust made me uneasy in the civil and military circles of the whole dynasty..."

When she said these words, it was only a powerful tone of narration, but the people before meeting bowed to the end. Before she finished her words, she probably thought of something. Therefore, her tone became more faint, and then said: "even in your family, involving the king's keepsake, it will converge three points between actions, let alone in Liulan Kyoto."

Wu Jinyue seemed a little flustered, but she looked calm, "My family and the princess are both kings who govern big countries... But I'm just a Jianghu figure who can't be so strict. At that time, I just borrowed 100000 liang of silver tickets from the gambling house under the order of Zhan Wang Yu, and Qianqiu gambling house already belongs to me. It's probably understandable to change its name. As for the former owner of this gambling house who signed the deed of betrayal, I can't say that he didn't commit himself because of his guilty conscience In the new gambling house, it is difficult for others to investigate the gamblers who were cheated before. However, the war king knows better than anyone that no matter how clever Wu is and how skillful he is in gambling, he can't make lingdu angry overnight. The family rules of Gongyi aristocratic family are strict, and the war king takes himself as an example. Today's impact is actually the reaction of all officials and people to the war King's high mountain and inviolability. "

Chen Qingfeng, kneeling aside, glanced at him.

The last meaning of this sentence is that the prince asked himself to express it clearly to the princess. Just because the situation has changed, he has not been able to prepare how to sort out this meaning to the princess. It can't be seen that this person is not only evil and strange, but also flattering. The Prince arranged him to cooperate here. It's really wise and divine.

Gongyi looked at Wu Jinyue silently for a moment. He seemed determined not to talk nonsense with him, so he turned and walked away.

Chen Qingfeng raised a sneer on his lips. The princess didn't eat this set.

He was glad that he didn't speak to himself, so he listened to the people around him and said, "the situation in the workshop, eighth Lord, who and everyone in the workshop can testify. I'll know if I deceived King Zhan."

Because the official instrument shadowless moved away from her sight and turned away for a distance, the ridicule radian of Chen Qingfeng's lips increased.

——It also emphasizes that this flattery is absolutely heartfelt.

If it hadn't been clear about the situation, Chen Qingfeng's words almost spit out his lips at someone behind Gongyi's shadowless back. He simply turned his head and looked directly at someone, but at this glance, he was shocked.

——Wu Jinyue's face was a little pale, his forehead exuded thin sweat, and his eyes were still focused on the back of the princess. He didn't give him a trace of light because of his despised sight.

This man's behavior style has been learned for a long time, which makes people seem careless, but he often can grasp it easily. This once gave Chen Qingfeng the illusion that the king's authority is too much, and he is likely to rebound when he touches a bottom.

But at the moment, the man seemed to put down all his hindsight, just a pure and clean sincerity, without a sense of danger. Just under the princess's anger, he could naturally give up his pride.

Chen Qingfeng immediately converged the radian of his lips. Even if he knelt at the foot of the Lord, how many times did he do this?

"What is the king of Jin nervous about?" Gong Yi did not look back.

"King Zhan thought, if it weren't for this big thing, where would King Zhan go now? And Wu just wanted to take a serious look at the little princess and wear the 'Moon washing' on his body for the little princess..."

Gongyi has no shadow and is slightly moved. Little wish

If it hadn't been for this, she and Xiaotianer were already on the way to Ninggu.

She knew that Tian'er was the young master of Gongyi family, just like Wu Jinyue would never forget that Tian'er was the young master of YUEWU family.

This one-year-old gift is as important as Mount Tai, and his serious glance is of profound significance

Wu Jinyue continued: "the identity of the little princess is known all over the world. Wu also wants Liu Lan's officials and people to witness that moment. It is Wu who wants Zhan Wang Chengquan."

Chen Qingfeng thought that his tongue was like a sword. What happened here really left the prince clean.

As soon as he thought so, his head was bounced by something, so he turned around and looked at it.

Wu Jinyue just glanced at him, and then looked at the door indifferently.

Chen Qingfeng's lips were drawn. Before the LORD came here... Is it my turn?

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