Seeing the sun set, Yi Yu came to Gongyi's shadowless study and whispered, "Lord."

No one answered. He took two steps forward and took a look. Sitting behind the book case, he seemed to close his eyes and support his forehead. In fact, the thoughtful public instrument had no shadow and said, "Your Highness the prince evacuated Qianqiu gambling house and sent away the surrounding people."

Gongyi shadowless raised his eyelids and looked at him, and then seemed to close his eyes more heavily.

Yi Yu: "...." King Zhan's mansion covers a large area and has enough hands. King Tianchen is king Zhan's husband's son-in-law. Therefore, all distinguished guests from Tianchen are in accordance with the above intention and should be arranged in King Zhan's mansion. Naturally, the Lord is not absent-minded, but such a preoccupied and listless look... Is it a repetition—— After leaving the Xiaoyao teahouse, the LORD looked like this, and the ban continued to be regarded as a ban.

He straightened his body slightly. Just about to continue, he saw Gongyi shadowless and raised his head.

"Is the prince here?"

Yi Yu drew a corner of his mouth, "no, your highness is gone."

Public instrument has no shadow and slightly coagulates his eyebrows. "No? I didn't come to fight the palace. Naturally, I went back to the palace."

She looked unhappy, but the sound quality was lazy: "the king left you and others in the gambling house. Naturally, he cooperated with the crown prince to make things small and trivial. The crown prince left his son and ran away. Can't it be that even you and others think they can't bear to look directly at each other and must end up hastily?"

Yi Yu quickly knelt down on one knee and said, "the Lord misunderstood. Even the emperor is looking for it everywhere."

Gongyi had no shadow, and then he gave a confused "eh?" sound.

Yi Yu said, "the prince once went back to the palace, but he invited the empress out of the palace. The emperor seemed very angry. He summoned the prince three times... Then the prince didn't know where to go."

Gongyi Wuying suddenly realized that Wuzheng naturally knew his elder sister Huang's intention, but he put down his pick after three times five divided by two. He didn't dare to return to the king's house immediately. He actually made an idea on his mother. Who is the mother? That's the tip of my father's heart that I can't offend. The chaotic accounts of the two princes of Chen this day, no dispute, really dare... Don't you want to slip?

One plan is not to let go, the other seems to have no fear. Depending on the situation, no dispute should also be an urgent and disorderly medical treatment. What the mother can guarantee is that nothing too big will happen.

She motioned Yi Yu to get up and had an idea in her heart.

As soon as the idea came out, Gongyi was shocked and shivered. She always felt that the idea was not like the master of King Zhan's house, but she had to understand it in this abnormal way at the moment.

In such a short time in the gambling house, his mind changed. Even he was suspicious, not to mention others. In brother Chen's eyes, he was instantly different.

Brother Chen is not a very reasonable person, and this is not reasonable.



Painted music Pavilion, this is the courtyard arranged by King Zhan's house for Wu Jinyue.

Gongyi took a seemingly special box from the table. The box was empty, and the special thing was that the bottom of the box was uneven. It was a lifelike "Fox" with sharp mouth and long ears.

She frowned slightly, her eyes fell on the fox, and her thoughts expanded involuntarily.

At that time, I was sober and abnormal, the layers that emerged in my mind were clear, and my mood fluctuated

That feeling Gu is not fooling people. Brother Chen has his own reason to be angry. And this king is frank. There must be something else here.

She was out of her mind when she heard a faint voice: "the king wants to bathe and change clothes."

Gongyi shadowless hurriedly put the things in place and was ready to go out of the room. After all, she had been waiting for a long time.

But it seemed to hear the incredible voice of the attendant: "King Jin, your blood..."


Gongyi shadowless slightly rubbed the silver ring in his hand, and Wu Jinyue was injured? I remember when I left, brother Chen was holding a stick... According to the confrontation between the two at that time, it was an internal injury.

Brother Chen is really... Bastard.

Gongyi thought a little and walked out of the inner room, but he saw that the outer barrier had been opened, covering Wu Jinyue's body.

Seeing her coming out, the attendants immediately saluted: "Lord."

A face in the screen turned her head and glanced at her through the screen.

Gongyi shadowless felt a little embarrassed. He was seriously injured and naturally didn't want to face her like that. At the moment, the atmosphere in the room was strange. She had a sense of powerlessness that she didn't know where to ask.

"King Jin, are you... Hurt?" she raised her finger and pointed to the blood on his clothes on the screen.

But see his line of sight to see in the past, across the screen seems to be able to see his bright light in his eyes, but his mood is extremely unclear.

"Is Prince Zhan worried about me here?"

"Well... No, it's not."

Gongyi's shadowless expression is strange. Since I'm not worried, why do I ask so at the first time?

"The king has something to ask you, alone."

A voice came in: "Lord Jin, the water is ready."

Wu Jinyue said faintly, "well," don't wait, go down. "

After the attendants went out, he said again, "if the king of war asks, just ask."

His tone was righteous and serious, but with a bit of fatigue: "before that, ask the war king to forgive Wu for his rudeness."

Gongyi reacted for a while, and then looked behind him at the box engraved with "Fox" lying quietly on the table behind him... What's the reason for Wang's absence in the gambling house?

She then smiled, "there's a reason, it doesn't hurt."

"Then Wu Mou is presumptuous." Wu Jinyue hangs her head and her voice becomes more and more lazy.

The shadow in the screen took off its lining and revealed a line of jade bones

The light aroma of fumigation swept into the nose with the water vapor. Looking at the clothes on the screen, Gongyi became uncomfortable. His eyes turned slightly and disorderly, and his sight still fell in front.

Someone doesn't want to talk to himself in disheveled clothes, but unexpectedly, such a stupid scene happened in his house under the influence of his mood.

Through the screen mandrel painting, it can be seen that in the huge barrel, someone is holding the edge of the barrel in one hand, dragging his cheeks in one hand, and putting one hand on the other side. The exquisite shoulder arm lines are hidden in the ink like black hair

Gongyi Wuying regretted that she was green with courage. Her power was Liu Lan, but she was not included in her own territory. She looked directly at another man naked in front of herself... Doubt does not mean that she can ignore the dignity of others.

In her heart, there was a battle between heaven and man. She turned and walked up, but she heard a voice at the door: "the war king doesn't want to know whether the family is also colored?"


His sound quality was like fog, lazy and careless, but Gongyi stopped immediately.

"What the war king is worried about is naturally the family."

Someone's observation has always been abnormal. Lying in a barrel and across a screen, he can get to the point.

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