The fallen leaves in the forest are like butterflies taking off. The flickering flame in the parade seems to slowly gather its wings and perch in a leaf cluster. A gust of wind has passed, which is hard to find by the naked eye, but it can't hear the sound of footsteps in the distance.

Gongyi's shadowless breath gradually lowered, slowly pushed away the dense branches behind him and looked at it quietly.

The leaves were flying silently.

Through the gap between the branches, she saw a touch of black robe corners, and complex and fine stitches outlined a curved new moon. The new moon was like ink dyeing. The wind blew down and the fog covered it, but the light was shining. Closer, she saw a clean hand. The palm was holding a rust colored folding fan. The ink was dizzy and dyed a large piece of peach color, burning and demon. A pure white jade pendant fell on the handle of the fan. In the sun, in the green forest, Reflect the glittering and translucent blue color

Gongyi shadowless couldn't remember who the fan he sent came from. He just felt that the fan was held in that hand. I don't know how many times it was valuable.

She suddenly felt nervous. She leaned behind the tree and looked more and more hidden. She always felt that he... Didn't seem to follow her routine.

She threw away the branches, looked at the figure, and approached slowly and step by step

Her breathing is unconsciously slight and her heart beats faster for no reason. If she is found like this, it will be embarrassing after all.

She was so sure that she caught his eyes off guard. She never wanted to do this, but it was related to the past. Only by doing so could she find out what the hell her brother Chen was doing, or what the hell was he doing with this person?

Through the trembling twigs, she could see the man's tall body, with dark hair hanging in front of the lapel, and the lapel embroidered with dark moon patterns was slightly dazzling.

He stopped suddenly.

When the wind comes, the fallen leaves are like rain. Gongyi has no shadow and doesn't dare to be careless. His thumb tightly presses the silver ring

The leaves rustled and fell, and a folding fan lifted the branches.

At that moment, Gongyi suddenly went out without a shadow

Then, the folding fan that was just lifting the branch was suddenly opened, which happened to stir her serious eyes.

Gongyi's shadowless body froze, not because the folding fan was caught off guard,... But... The person in front of her was enough to make her lose her mind in an instant.

He clearly smelled the smell of incense that stood out from the dense flame butterfly incense. The thin smell was like manzhushahua suddenly blooming in the twilight, which was extremely extravagant and covered the fragrant color of the garden in an instant.

He lifted his eyelashes slightly, and finally let her see her eyes. The pure surprise of meeting was like a wave of light, reflecting her face - a look mixed with embarrassment and unprepared.

His eyelashes bent slightly across the heavy branches and leaves, "Your Highness the king of war."

Gongyi looked serious and almost forgot that if this person wanted to distract the king, there were thousands of ways... But the king's grasp this time was not his own.

She pressed down the trace of uneasiness at the bottom of her heart and said, "the king of Jin should know my purpose here."

Since we have met in this way, it must be for some reason, no matter what reason, we can replace it with the purpose of this trip. As for what the purpose of this trip is, in this case, it doesn't matter.

Since her predecessors appeared again, whenever she was surprised to meet his eyes, there would be abnormalities, and these abnormalities should be the soul's counterattack. It is not difficult to guess that this is the deep-rooted counterattack of his kung fu after his kung fu reached the realm.

Thinking that he wanted to solve it positively, but he was repeatedly damaged by brother Chen, he had to use his weakness to find out the reason. He disdained this move

The smile on Wu Jinyue's lips disappeared, and there were more things she scruples about, and the light in her eyes became faint.

"What does the war king want to ask? Let's say it directly." he coagulated his eyebrows, held the fan in one hand, and said: "when Wuzheng handed it to me, he emphasized several times that the fan was given by him. In fact, what Wu really cares about is that the war king has an appointment, and the purpose of the war king is nothing more than asking Wu to answer questions and solve doubts sincerely."

Gongyi Wuying was a little strange at the bottom of his heart. He called Liu Lan's war King war king and Liu Lan's Prince no dispute, and he showed it between the lines that he saw through her actions, and just then he was on guard.

She looked up at the sky quietly. She didn't see the flame butterfly flying again. She should still be perched in place.

She was a little insipid and casually said, "I've known each other for ten years. Why should I see so much? Under the right circumstances, just call me shadowless."

Wu Jinyue's heart suddenly seemed to be excited by something.

"Yes." the bottom of Wu Jinyue's eyes lit up. "Under appropriate circumstances, can the war King restore the title of Wu?"

"Since the last time, there has been no suitable time."

"Wu Mou understood." Wu Jinyue opened the folding fan, shook it, and then closed it again. Then she slowly looked up. "Wu Mou and the king of war have only the past, no story."

Gongyi shadowless was unable to control his emotions for a short time. "I grew up in Ninggu since childhood. With my current skills, I would not be able to say the word so easily under the condition of early preparedness. Although I am known as the silver faced God of war, I am not a God, and I also have a weak position..."

The fan had closed, but the Flaming Butterfly spread its wings and flew away from its habitat

A trace of cunning flashed in her eyes, "no story? Do you think your family will deliberately let his princess be seen through..."

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