
The candles in the room were not bright, flickering the silence of a room.

The mahogany table was as neat as ever. Shangguan Yuchen sat beside muyunxi and looked at her for a moment.

Muyunxi seemed to deliberately avoid his gaze and buried his head in a wine glass in front of him.

In fact, she doesn't know why Fenghuaxueyue is guarded by heavy troops. Maybe part of the reason is to prevent Shangguan desert, but it's also to prevent her from leaving. But for this man, she didn't mean to blame, only heartache.

The atmosphere was inexplicably depressed. She was so depressed that she couldn't breathe. Finally, she couldn't help getting up and pacing to the window of the room, taking a deep breath of the cool air under the night sky.

A pair of arms encircled her waist from behind.

She didn't break free. After tonight, maybe they won't get along like this again.

"Tell me you won't leave again." his voice was very soft, as if afraid of disturbing some hope.

Muyunxi opened his lips, but he couldn't spit out his throat if he wanted to stabilize his deceptive words.

The wind blew in through the porch window, and a trace of coolness brushed his face.

Shangguan Yuchen's heart suddenly tightened, and the arm around her waist also used force invisibly. Ling Yue hasn't appeared until now. What kind of deployment do you have? Are you really determined to go? His tone was no longer calm: "why don't you speak?"

She quietly lowered her eyes, still speechless, and a strong reluctance lingered in her heart, so strong that she could not ignore it.

The long silence makes people more uneasy.

Shangguan Yuchen loosened her waist, pulled over her body and said, "after the Yunxiao ceremony tomorrow, I'll take you out."

He raised his hand and held her head, so that her eyes could no longer escape his own eyes. He said seriously, "tomorrow I will announce to the world that you are my princess, and I will make you a legitimate Princess Chen."

Muyunxi's body suddenly stiffened. He was about to say something, but he was ahead of him: "In those years, I respected your wishes and waited for you to get rid of the clouds and hope you can recover your identity and fulfill your commitments. For this reason, I even compromised Juzi mountain, but what I got was an inexplicable accident. This time, I won't give you another chance to escape, let alone allow those meaningless things to bind your heart. I want you to settle down completely."

After that, Shangguan Yuchen didn't give her a chance to agree or refuse. He took the hand holding her head and said, "tomorrow I'm going to attend the grand ceremony for the establishment of the prince's book, so I'll have a rest first, and you'll have a rest early." then he turned and left straight away.

Watching him stride out of the room, Muyun Xi's hand in his sleeve unconsciously tightened and tightened. He turned his head for a long time and looked at the night sky through the window.

The moonlight outside is melting, a few wisps of idle clouds are misty, and the night wind is gentle, blowing and the shadows of trees are whirling.

The night is beautiful and the stars are bright.

She lifted her sleeve, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and slowly pulled down the window rod supporting the porch window.

The porch window fell and separated the moon view of the street.


The next morning, Shangguan Yuchen entered the palace early, and his front feet left. Muyunxi got up and took care of himself.

Pulling out the drawer of the dresser, there was a glittering and translucent red hairpin and a letter.

She picked up the jade hairpin and looked at it for a moment before she put it in her arms. She took out the letter and put it on the dresser. Then she picked up the sword given by her adoptive mother and whispered to herself, "this is my last thought in Yudu."

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