Ye Fei didn't sigh in his heart, but he heard an angry question from his head: "soon after the king entered the palace, the people of the Desert King came. Why did he report so late?"

Shang Yu immediately reported: "the canonization ceremony, the palace is strictly forbidden, and his subordinates can't enter the palace."

Shangguan Yuchen knew this. His eyes were cold. He glanced at the people kneeling on the ground and angrily scolded: "so many people, no one saw her leave?"

Heads hang lower.

Ye Fei respectfully said, "Lord, my subordinates have been here all the time. Before the Desert King's people came, they really didn't see anyone coming in and out."

"No one came in and out?" Shangguan Yuchen sounded like dyed frost.


Shangguan Yuchen thought slightly and said to himself, "is there any other secret way in this romantic and snowy moon?"

His vision coolly fell on the red Niang kneeling on one side, and asked coldly, "where else is there a secret way?"

The matchmaker just lowered her head and looked like "let it be handled, but never answer".

Shangguan Yuchen's eyes converged, "search, even if it destroys this romantic and snowy moon, we should find out the secret way."


Who dares to hesitate under the rage of King Chen's thunder? After a while, the whole romantic and snowy moon was in chaos.

Shangguan Yuchen looked at everything in front of her indifferently. She was very upset. She sent her confidants to hold the room where she found the secret way before, but how did she forget that the whole Fenghuaxueyue was her place.

Suddenly, he thought that shangguanmo had turned this place upside down, but got nothing. The mechanism design here was really clever. His eyes changed slightly. He immediately went up to the second floor and went directly to the place where Muyun Xi indicated to rest last night, which was also the room of Ling Yue before.

Send back the others except Shang Yuye Fei, and he personally examines them carefully on all sides.

Shang Yu whispered, "only a dark grid was found in this room, but there was nothing in it except a small chessboard."

Hearing the word "chessboard", Shangguan Yuchen immediately asked, "where?"

Shang Yu quickly walked to the bedside and opened the sheet. Sure enough, he saw a dark grid that had been opened. There was a small chessboard with clear black and white chess pieces on it. However, he said, "my subordinates have checked. There is no secret path on this bed."

No wonder Shang Yuye Fei got nothing. Although the chessboard is strange, ordinary people look like a chess game that is difficult to solve. Only Shangguan Yuchen knows that it is a dark pass arranged by the art of hiding armor.

This bureau is similar to what was broken before. Shangguan Yuchen solved the Bureau almost effortlessly.

The rustle came and the cabinets in the room moved away.

Ye Fei was startled, and then quickly walked down the stairs of the dark path, lit the torch and opened the way for his king.

After a few steps, the cabinet moved back to its original place.

When the secret door at the end of the secret passage was opened, the indoor lamp oil had been burned out. The whole secret room was dark and had an unspeakable cold feeling. Through the dim light of the torch, you could see that there was a lamp oil bottle on the table. Shang Yu added lamp oil to the lamp and lit the lamp.

It turned out that this secret passage and the previously discovered secret passage lead to the same secret room.

The secret room is still, but there is no Iraqi figure.

Shangguan Yuchen depressed her mood and glanced across the concave and convex places on the wall. She must have left through this secret way. There must be another mystery in the secret room. It's also strange that she was thinking all about her at that time, but didn't pay much attention to the secret room. She said in a deep voice: "you two are waiting here. You can't act rashly without the king's order."

When it comes to the secret way of the mechanism, there are probably not many people in the world who can hardly live him. Before long, he opened the stone chamber. Unfortunately, there are mechanisms in the stone chamber, which are much more precise and complex than the outside. The cracking under anxiety almost exhausted all his patience.

Fortunately, although it took a lot of effort, he managed to find the mechanism of the underground passage.

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