"And Mo'er pestered me today to ask for justice. He said that King Chen killed dozens of his men with his staff. Mo'er was also my eldest prince and his nephew. Even if he acted improperly, he should leave some room at least. What was worth his anger?" Yin emperor lowered his tone and said again: "I know something, but it seems that Mo'er's men saw the letter left by Mu Yunxi. I really don't know what Mu Yunxi wrote in the letter."

"Father, who can touch uncle 14's mind?" Shangguan Yuchen answered, and his heart was also very curious about what Yunxi's letter wrote.

"His mind?" Yin emperor snorted and said, "he has no intention of the government and the public, but he still holds power... He doesn't like war, but he gathered heavy troops to provoke Liu Lan."

Mu Yunxi's eyes were sharp and deep, and he didn't have time to think carefully, but Yin emperor faintly spit out a sentence: "if there is a person in the world who makes him hate his bones, it must be Liu Lan Gongyi without a shadow."

Suddenly hearing this, her body shook violently.

Yun Xiao, the senior official in the side seat of the book case, coagulated his eyebrows and said casually, "Uncle 14 has never been invincible in the battle. His son and Minister know something about the battle with Liu Lan, but I didn't expect that uncle 14, who is always indifferent, would attach so much importance to the victory or defeat of the battle."

Yin emperor raised a trace of ridicule, "the victory or defeat of a war will not let him do so. Even if I was kidnapped and Tianchen lost all his face, he will not let him do so. He hated Gongyi deeply because he thought Gongyi shadowless killed Fengning, but it is well known that Fengning was killed by him."

Mu Yunxi opened her eyes and was shocked beyond measure.

Yuchen, you love Fengning deeply, but you hate Wuying... But Fengning and Wuying are both me! You killed Fengning yourself, but you think Wuying killed Fengning?


No wonder I clearly have feelings for you, but I still hate you when I lose my memory. No wonder I will let Xiaoyue close to you... It turns out that it is so complicated between you and me!

Her head suddenly swelled, her eyebrows tightened tightly, and a severe question sounded in her ear: "as the guardian of the Apocalypse array and the descendants of Gongyi family, do you know how serious mistakes you have made?"

In my mind, a beautiful but solemn woman's face gradually became clear

She knelt down in front of the woman and said with regret, "Mom, shadowless knows that she is wrong. Shadowless is ashamed of Ninggu and Gongyi family."

Then, he swore to heaven: "Wuying is duty bound to destroy the mozhou Apocalypse array. My public instrument Wuying today makes a heavy oath here. Even if you devote your whole life, you will recover your mistakes and reshape the mozhou Apocalypse array. If the mozhou Apocalypse array can't be restored one day, Wuying's life will not be for yourself one day, let alone restore your female identity."

The woman listened and said slowly, "shadow, you are the descendant of Gongyi aristocratic family and the descendant of Ninggu. From the moment when King Chen's heavy troops strongly selected the mozhou Apocalypse array, he is the enemy of your life. Don't forget the soul of Ninggu and the blood of Liu Lan in the Apocalypse array."

The headache had not yet eased, but her heart was cramped. Her body trembled and accidentally made a very subtle sound.

Shangguan Yunxiao was surprised and immediately said respectfully, "father, my son and Minister suddenly remembered that my mother said she had prepared something for you. I hope my son and minister can invite you to go."

Yin emperor was very unhappy to see his carelessness. He didn't want to stay any longer and left immediately.

The upper official Yun Xiaomu sent Yin emperor away. Then he carefully arrived at the bookcase. He saw Mu Yunxi sitting cross legged in a bodyguard dress. His face was pale and even weak. He was frightened. He hurried to her and squatted down and said, "Yun Xi, what's the matter with you?"

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