After leaving Yudu, Shangguan Yuchen went straight to Liu Lan. At the checkpoint leading to Liu Lan, he heard the news of the person who took the portrait. He didn't dare to rush to the barracks without half a minute's delay.

The moment he opened the curtain, his whole body strength seemed to be exhausted in an instant, and the ultimate loss filled his body with panic and pain.

It turned out that Yan Wuzheng's face was somewhat similar to that of men's clothes. With Ling Yue nearby, they were naturally detained.

I didn't expect that the king of Tang Chen would be like this. Ling Yue and Yan Wuzheng couldn't return to God.

Shangguan Yuchen suddenly seemed to think of something. He hurried over and grabbed Ling Yue's wrist. His voice was very heavy: "tell me where she is now?"

Ling Yue's wrist was pinched and hurt, but her tone was still light and calm: "the Lord is not with us, and we have no news of the LORD all the way."

The last glimmer of hope in his heart seemed to collapse in this sentence. Shangguan Yuchen trembled and murmured, "she wasn't with you?"

Ling Yue was shocked. The man in front of him was at a loss and even implied panic. Who can connect him with the cold, noble and invincible God of war, King Chen?

She felt a touch in her heart, and the voice line lightened: "when the LORD left, we were still in the palace. When we left the palace, we only got the order left by the Lord. Let me go straight to Liu Lan."

Shangguan Yuchen suddenly loosened his hand, walked forward a few steps at a loss, and closed his eyes powerlessly.

Again and again, can't I keep her after all? She wasn't with her men. Where the hell did she go?

His thoughts were fleeting. He suddenly turned back, stared at Ling Yue's eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "even if you are not together, can you not contact? You are her confidant, how can you not know where she is?"

Without waiting for Ling Yue to answer, he said in a deep voice: "I know that you have always been on guard against me. You are very worried that I will be bad for her. But today, my Shangguan Yuchen promised you in the name of King Tianchen that no matter who she is, I will only do my best to protect her well, even if I do everything."

The God of war, King Chen, speaks nine words.

When he said this, Yan Wuzheng and Ling Yue were already moved, but they heard his voice turn from heavy to light: "I just want to be with her and protect her no matter what happens. No matter how complicated her identity is, in my eyes, she is just my wife."

Shangguan Yuchen quietly looked at Ling Yue. A touch of hope gradually floated in her dark eyes. There was no consistent command in her tone, and even begged: "tell me where she is, okay?"

Since she was ordered to approach, Ling Yue never thought that this proud man would have such a tone. It was inevitable that she would be shocked. She bit her lower lip and hesitated for a moment, looked up at him, looked a little serious and said, "King Chen can really guarantee that no matter what my Lord's identity is, it will never be detrimental to my Lord, but will only protect my lord?"

This confirmed a question. Shangguan Yuchen seemed to catch a life-saving straw on the verge of despair. Ling Yue had moved to tell her, and then said, "I'm not as good as dead after losing her these years. If I can have her again, how can I hurt her? For this so-called identity?"

The eyes of the people in front of him were filled with sincerity. When he mentioned Fengning, he thought that he was infinitely affectionate and lonely. He had never been close to women, but he alone let himself close. If he accidentally heard him tell the Lord in the secret room, he didn't know why

Ling Yue couldn't help but soften her heart and finally said: "The Lord somehow lost his memory and wandered to Tianchen Kyoto. Once the news came back, someone from junior high school had come to meet the Lord back home. Unexpectedly, the LORD left first and didn't let anyone accompany him. He only told me that we didn't have to investigate her... Since the LORD did so, he didn't go to Liu Lan at all."

Shangguan Yuchen was slightly surprised, but asked, "where else might she go if she left Yudu alone and didn't return to Liulan?"

Ling Yue said, "the Lord didn't reveal her whereabouts to anyone, but as Ling Yue knows, in addition to returning to Liu Lan, the only thing the Lord cares about in his heart is the whereabouts of xuelingcao."

"Blood spirit grass?" Shangguan Yuchen's eyes lit up. She stayed in the palace for a few days. She must have inadvertently learned that she might find blood spirit grass in Nanzhao, and then asked, "why does she look for blood spirit grass?"

Ling Yue had a slight wave in her eyes. "Madam, that is, the Lord's mother, has been in a cold and toxic coma for several years, and the blood spirit grass is the hope that she can wake up."

Yan Wuzheng, who stood silent on the side, was surprised when she heard the speech, and the queen was unconscious?

Shangguan Yuchen understood that the blood spirit grass was a sacred thing of Nanzhao. Sister-in-law Huang said it was very difficult to find this thing. She went to Nanzhao alone

He didn't dare to delay any more. He took a step outside the account, but he heard Ling Yue's voice and said, "after the war, the Lord's temperament changed greatly."

As soon as Shangguan Yuchen's body stagnated, he thought of the lonely and indifferent Mu Yun Xi, turned around and waited for Ling Yue's following.

"Mrs. Ling yuemeng valued it and served the Lord since childhood. I remember that before the war, the LORD was so cheerful and broad-minded. When we grew up together, we were as close as friends. At that time, although the LORD was the Lord, we were not formal before the LORD most of the time..." while talking, Ling Yue's eyes became distant, There was a slight silence for a while, and the voice was slower: "but... The war disaster took away all the laughter of the Lord. Since then, the Lord has become cold and severe, even moody, and no lack of thunder wrist. Over the years, no one dares to joke in front of the Lord any more."

Shangguan Yuchen was pained, and a trace of pity with guilt flowed through his eyes. Even Yan Wuzheng seemed to hear God.

The camp was quiet for a long time, and there was the sound of soldiers passing outside.

Ling Yue closed her eyes and her eyes fell on Shangguan Yuchen again. A trace of complexity came into her heart. She continued: "over the years, the Lord has worked hard to practice martial arts. No one can dissuade her. She finally forced herself into a devil. That time, the Lord almost lost her life."

Shangguan Yuchen's face was shocked, "she..."

"Later, the Lord escaped safely, but in order to save the Lord's life, his wife is still unconscious. The Lord has more guilt than pain. In order to save his wife, the Lord searched everywhere for the strange medicine blood spirit grass, but the blood spirit grass has disappeared for a hundred years..."

Shangguan Yuchen's hand hanging on her side unconsciously squeezed her sleeve and secretly determined to find blood spirit grass for her no matter what the price.

"Ling Yue revealed the news of the Lord without authorization because Ling Yue knew that the king Chen should be the crux of the Lord's heart disease for many years." Ling Yue sighed gently, "but the things between the Lord and the king Chen are very complex, far less simple than what the king Chen knows."

"What do you mean?" Shangguan Yuchen's eyebrows were slightly frozen, not hiding his doubts: "is it related to her identity?"

Ling Yue didn't answer, but said, "Ling Yue has actually said more today. No matter how much, it's not what Ling Yue can reveal. Ling Yue can only say so. As for whether King Chen can find the Lord this time, it depends on King Chen's chance."

Although he was puzzled, Shangguan Yuchen knew that Ling Yue would not tell himself more things since she said this. At this time, he just wanted to find Muyun, so he didn't continue to ask questions. He left the barracks and rode his horse to Nanzhao before he had a drink.

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