Shangguan Yuchen's hand was intercepted by Wu Jinyue's fan, so he retracted his hand and punched his finger into his palm, but unconsciously pinched his thigh.

Am I enchanted by the devil's move of the Royal soul cult?

When the pain came, Shangguan Yuchen was sure that what he saw was not an illusion.

Wu Jinyue sneered: "I want to make Prince Chen famous, but I didn't expect to be a prodigal son. My wife's room said to break in."

Gongyi has no shadow. His upper teeth knock his lower teeth. How unreasonable! How can you say I'm your wife in front of everyone? I thought so in my heart, but I didn't study carefully why I didn't like Wu Jinyue to say that she was his wife in front of Shangguan Yuchen, but I also understood that the overall situation was the most important, so I followed Wu Jinyue's words: "this is the God of war, King Chen, who is invincible, invincible, intelligent and decisive for thousands of miles in the kingdom of Tianchen?"

Shangguan Yuchen stared at her with deep and vast black eyes, as if to see through her from inside to outside.

"Don't you know the king?"

Gongyi shadowless forced himself to be calm and hid his face behind Wu Jinyue. "I've only heard of Daming and haven't seen a real person. My lower limbs haven't regained consciousness and I can't see ceremony. If I'm rude, please ask Chen Wang Haihan."

Shangguan Yuchen suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed her arm and pulled it hard, as if to pull her up.

Wu Jinyue waved her hand and opened Shangguan Yuchen's hand. "King Chen's move is too inappropriate. Although my wife is not as big as Princess Chen's name, it can't be despised by anyone."

This pun is ironic to Shangguan Yuchen.

However, Shangguan Yuchen didn't care. His eyes were still locked on Gongyi shadowless body. Looking at her carefully, his eyes were more profound.

"You really don't know the king?"

Gongyi shadowless put on a frightened look, hung his head down and thought to himself: what should I do now? You can't expose your identity.

She was thinking about it, but she vaguely felt that there was a heat flow in her legs, and the meridians seemed to have begun to pass.

In fact, the reason why she shouted just now was that Wu Jinyue fed the antidote into her mouth in that dirty way.

Shangguan Yuchen walked two steps closer to Gongyi and asked, "are you afraid of the king?"

Gongyi shadowless replied, "I heard that King Chen was decisive in killing and attacking, and this time she came to the Royal soul cult to ask for punishment." then she touched her forehead and said, "since I was terrible, if I am a weak woman with inconvenient legs and feet, what is the prestige of King Chen if I am not afraid?"

Shangguan Yuchen gritted his teeth and even sounded the same.

Wu Jinyue covered her mouth and nose with a folding fan and covered a smile on her lips. It turned out that the little girl talked to King Chen like this, which was consistent with the investigation.

"Prince Chen came here for a moment to arrest the master and ask for punishment. Now he is aggressive and forced against his wife. What's the purpose? Let's be clear."

Shangguan Yuchen ignored him. He just regarded him as a noisy crow, glanced at the dodging public instrument and said, "you are the wife of the witch leader, huh?" there was a trace of anger for no reason.

Gongyi raised his eyelashes without a shadow, like looking secretly, "is this a crime?"

"His wife is not guilty, but cheating on the king is a great crime." Shangguan Yuchen almost decided that the woman in front of him was Fengning. "If you want to die, admit it's his wife."

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