Seeing that Shangguan Yuchen followed, Wu Jinyue thought that King Chen was an expert in breaking the array. The nine palace enchanting array should not be a great challenge to King Chen.

Fengning doesn't want to follow him. It's better for Wang Chen to do it on his behalf. Anyway, Fengning doesn't want to reveal his female identity.

However, he also wanted to see Wang Chen's ability to break the array, so he used his lightness skills to keep up quietly.

When Shangguan Yuchen reacted, he had gone into the nine palace enchanting array with Gongyi shadowless.

The scene around is the same. To break the array, we must master the law and clarify the direction. The law is extremely complex. If you take a wrong step, you will be trapped in the array.

However, no matter how complex the law is, Gongyi Wuying can find the flaw.

After this array for several times, where do you have to look at the overall situation?

Shangguan Yuchen exercised his lightness skill and wanted to see the whole situation, but he saw Wu Jinyue hidden not far away. He felt strange, so he landed quietly.

I saw Gongyi pass through the pavilion, walk through the path, and then walk through the pavilion and the path. At a glance, it's like being in your own garden. It's very familiar. It seems that every flower and grass knows the location.

Wu Jinyue was stunned. The nine palace enchanting array separated the main hall from the back garden. No one could go except him and several confidants. I thought it would be king Chen who broke the array with Fengning, but it turned out that Fengning was leading King Chen around the garden.

Shangguan Yuchen frowned slightly and gradually denied his conjecture. Because the light in the array is very dark at present, a deep internal skill like yourself can only barely see the road, not to mention Fengning without any internal power?

Fengning has been missing for only three days. How can he practice such a huge nine palace enchanting array so well?

What's more, this woman's legs and feet are inconvenient today. It seems that she is really Wu Jinyue's wife, not Feng Ning.

It's shameful and absurd to think that he actually regards a young woman as a man's Fengning.

What's the matter with yourself? Why do you recognize the witch lady as Fengning at a glance? Does a person who looks like Fengning, no matter what clothes he wears, even male or female, I will recognize her as Fengning, am I stunned?

Knowing that Wu Jinyue was there, he deliberately went the wrong way and shouted, "Mrs. Wu, can you go closer to the back garden from here?"

Gongyi Wuying knows that Shangguan Yuchen is an expert in the array. This obvious mistake is a test. So, the skirt gently lifted and walked slowly.

Shangguan Yuchen stood there. It was evening. The moon had crossed the clouds. The overlapping pavilions and rockery trees made the light look hazy, but it was still vaguely visible that the woman's eyes were clear and bright.

Gongyi shadowless walked up to him and said, "of course, I've been familiar with this road for thousands of times." he deliberately accentuated the "thousands of times" and easily took Shangguan Yuchen from the wrong position.

It's just one more circle.

Shangguan Yuchen finally completely denied his absurd conjecture and said, "Madam Wu, it's the king's rudeness."

Gongyi was stunned, "HMM..." he was a little uncomfortable with the title of Mrs. Wu. He fixed his body shape and looked at Shangguan Yuchen foolishly.

Shangguan Yuchen unconsciously took a smoke in her heart and thought of the dark evil spirit of Wu Jinyue's eyes, and the girl's eyes were pure and upright. A word in her heart seemed to rush out unhindered: "how can you be Mrs. Wu?"

Gongyi was stunned again, "HMM..." is it really guilty?

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