Gongyi shadowless was locked in a closed private room, neither like a cell, nor a firewood room, nor a room.

There was only a faint candle flickering in the wind on the windowsill, as if it would go out at any time.

Gongyi looked at the four walls without a shadow and was even more trance.

Shangguan Yuchen, you know that I haven't dropped water day and night and I'm sick. You're so cruel to lock me up here. At a loss, the king will not serve others and will do his best to you. Even if he has a purpose, he is sincere to you. You suspected that the eighth Lord had seduced me, but you took me as a vent. You and I are both kings of the battlefield, but now it seems that you are much more tired than this king.

She sat down along the wall. The feeling of drowsiness came again and began to think.

War, negotiation, drawings, Wu Jinyue, eighth Lord, Shangguan Yuchen... These people and things tossed in his mind and finally fixed on Shangguan Yuchen's face.

The face said to himself, "a man who dare not show his true face will not be a gentleman."

Gongyi shadowless sneered, "who is so arbitrary as you? What is the relationship between mental skill and appearance? If you don't provoke Liu Lan, where can I get a mask?"

She thought, sometimes sad and sometimes angry. The face said to herself, "you're really capable of being calculated when you ask three unknowns."

Gongyi shadowless whispered to the other wall, "who wants to live in a place full of calculations? Are you calculated to start a war?"

Maybe being locked up was a fuse. When she thought about it, she found that she was so dissatisfied and angry with Shangguan Yuchen.

When he woke up the next day, Gong Yi found that he was already in his small room and frowned slightly.

Strange, who brought me to my room?

Touch your forehead, it seems a little better than yesterday.

A bodyguard pushed the door in and said, "Fengning, the Lord ordered you to serve him and eat in the front hall."

Gongyi shadowless gets angry when he hears the word "meal". I've been hungry for two days. How can I have the spirit to serve you? There was no good way: "please tell the prince that Fengning is starving and can't get to the main hall. Please forgive me."

The bodyguard was with King Chen. He was on duty last night. He knew that Feng Ning was brought back by King Chen himself last night, and asked the doctor to relieve her fever. It was clear whether he could offend her.

So he went to report without words.

After a while, the bodyguard brought the porridge and side dishes. He endured for a long time. It seemed that he didn't know what to call Fengning.

"The Lord asked me to bring it and eat it at your residence. After eating, if it's better, go to see the Lord."

Then he put the porridge on the table.

Gongyi shadowless looked at the porridge and side dishes. Maybe he was not cured because of his illness. Although he was hungry, he had no appetite at all. No matter what Shangguan Yuchen thought, he simply kicked off his shoes and continued to sleep in bed.

I don't know how long later, the bodyguard came again.

"Brother Feng woke up. The LORD said he would see him when you were better."

Seeing that the food did not move, he said, "the LORD said, let your brothers have dinner together."

"Ah?" Gong Yi was stunned. "How come it's time for dinner?"

The guard went to the table and took the untouched food on the table.

Gongyi Wuying thought: knowing that I'm really hungry and have an appetite now, I used your hegemonic means to force me to have dinner with you. Don't you always want to teach me a lesson? The king will not go if he starves to death. Teach me a lesson. I don't want to see you now anyway.

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