Kang Xiangyi stood up from the ground and said: "The little extravagance in my heart has dissipated. I don't care what the emperor wants or what you want. Now I just want the person who really guards me to have no heart trouble. As long as you tell me what you want me to put in Li Shan's hands and what its purpose is. From now on, you and me, the bridge belongs to the bridge and the road returns to the road. I will never reveal half of what I know."

"If the bridge returns to the bridge and the road returns to the road, why should I keep you?" Wu Jinyue said with cold eyes and without any emotion: "I didn't expect Shangguan Zi to have a heart knot. You two began to think of him. A prince of Tianchen can't stand such a small thing. Li Shan deserved to die for him."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, after listening to this for so long, should you show up?"

Gongyi shadowless e for a moment. My breath converged very well. I didn't expect Wu Jinyue to be so sharp.

She was thinking when she saw Yi Hua jump out from a distance.

Wu Jinyue's voice was faint, but it made people shudder: "since you come to die, you don't have to go back."

Speaking of this, he said to Kang Xiangyi, "since this is a dead man, I don't mind letting him hear anything again. I can tell you that it's the second Youwei elixir that shouldn't exist in the world. If this Youwei elixir is carried on my body, the Youwei array will be in vain."

Kang Xiangyi looked at him in surprise and said, "you have been eyeing yingyue villa. You have abandoned such a precious Youwei jiedan for the sake of the hostility between King Chen and the eighth Lord. You have been wrong all the time. You can give up everything in order to achieve your goal. Not only your wife, but also Youwei jiedan." After saying this, I seemed very relieved.

But listening to Wu Jinyue's voice turned cool: "I warn you again. If you evaluate my wife again, you are also a dead man."

Kang Xiangyi turned angrily, "little girl, don't bother the witch sect leader to deal with the dead. You have lost the most precious thing for your purpose." then she left without looking back.

At this time, Wu Jinyue looked at Yi Hua, "who asked you to follow Kang Xiangyi?"

Yi Hua didn't answer, but said, "I asked myself that I was far away from her. The leader of the witch sect could find it."

"As early as you entered the territory of the Royal soul cult, before you entered the narrow road, my Lord's dark guard had told me. Someone followed Kang Xiangyi, and Kang Xiangyi had been noisy here for several days. If I didn't want to see your true face, why should I come to see an idle person in the middle of the night." Wu Jinyue's voice was lazy, "I have told you your question. Now you must answer my question honestly. If you are satisfied with the answer, I can still leave you a whole corpse."

Yi Hua sneered, "I didn't expect the witch leader to be so arrogant."

Wu Jinyue ignored him and asked lightly, "now answer the first question. Who asked you to follow Kang Xiangyi?"

"Whoever the witch leader thinks is who." Yi Hua's tone is not weak.

Wu Jinyue held the folding fan's hand and said, "since I don't want to answer, I'm too lazy to spend more time with you. Die."

A strong wind hit Yi Hua. Yi Hua quickly took out the soft sword at his waist and opposed it. Under the cold moonlight, the two figures fought together.

The branches on all sides trembled by the strong wind. Yi Hua slapped himself, staggered a few steps backward, stood firm, raised his hand and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his lips.

"Since you take my life, why not do your best?"

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