At sunrise, the mountain behind yun'an.

Wild fragrant hair and delicate fragrance, beautiful trees show and multiply Yin. Grass and flowers are fresh and fragrant and fallen petals lie in profusion.

Under the dim yellow sky, Shangguan Yuchen sat on the ground and put a few pots of wine. This scene is elegant.

Fengning sat down on the ground opposite him. He looked at Fengning with appreciation. Looking at the whole palace, no one dares to sit opposite Shangguan Yuchen, let alone just a humble little fellow.

"Brother Chen, I'm so happy today. Let's drink to this good mood first." when Feng Ning's words fell, he had filled himself and Shangguan Yuchen with a glass of wine.

Shangguan Yuchen drank up the wine, put down his glass and held Fengning's hand. "I didn't mistake you. All the officers and men in the barracks regard me as the marshal of the mountain, and all the people in the palace regard me as the prince who is silent like a cicada. It must be only your life. You are a man of no distinction between honor and inferiority."

He said "man of temperament", but his eyes were very deep and confused. He seemed to see through Fengning.

Feng Ning was stunned, but he didn't seem surprised. Considering her identity, how many people in the world can make her "respect"?

She was a teenager, even though she was amazing and gorgeous, but after all, she had some teenagers' temperament. In this situation, she didn't take too much into account. Seeing the eyes of Shangguan Yuchen, she was not uncomfortable, but she really had a bit of man's pride.

Through the wine, the indifferent heart inadvertently cracks a slit.

"Brother Chen, since I have interest, I can't lose it. It's my responsibility to accompany you well."

"Responsibility." Shangguan Yuchen was unhappy. He picked up a branch and danced wildly in the open place with the branch as a sword, as if to vent his sadness.

Feng Ning stood up and looked at the angry figure. She touched her heart slightly. For a moment, she also wanted to pick up the branches around her and dance with him in the mountain forest.

After Shangguan Yuchen danced, his mood was a little dull. He raised his glass and drank again. He looked up at the sky and smiled, but how much bitterness was mixed in the smile? He sighed and said, "I have a quiet nature, but I have to fight in armor. I don't like killing, but I have to participate in war. My mission and responsibility are to serve your ambition."

Fengning couldn't help but go on: "the original carefree life was disturbed by the war, and it's understandable that the invaders resisted. They had to kill to resist the killing. Who likes the war?"

Thinking of the imminent war between Tianchen and Liulan, Feng Ning's heart tightened and poured another cup: "brother Chen, let's have another drink for the mission of the cusp of the storm."

This time, they drank several cups in a row.

Shangguan Yuchen is getting drunk and has become a little hazy: "since the war, the only thing to be pleased with is the confidant of brother Feng." at this moment, he regards Feng Ning as his confidant.

Feng Ning's wine is lighter, and now he is a little drunk: "it's not a waste of his life to get to know a hero like brother Chen."

Shangguan Yuchen drank again and was very close to Fengning: "brother Feng, if he is a woman, he must be a country and a city. If he has such a confidant, Yuchen will be enough in this life."

At the moment, Shangguan Yuchen was a little drunk. Seeing Fengning's rosy cheeks, a pure smile like a baby, and Fengning's beautiful girl face, he was a little drunk for a moment.

Fengning pushed him, and said with a drunken smile, "brother Chen, you're drunk. I Fengning is a man and a man. Can I be a woman?"

Shangguan Yuchen was shocked on his face and said, "you are a man. Is there something wrong with my eyes? What I saw just now is clearly a woman who is a great country and a great city."

Fengning is drunk, "what if I were a woman?"

They drank the wine in the cup again. Feng Ning was drunk, and Shangguan Yuchen also threw down the glass. At this time, he was already drunk? But when wine meets a bosom friend, a thousand cups are less, and the previous sadness is swept away.


The next day, ye Fei, who came to Houshan to look for King Chen, saw a strange scene: King Chen and Fengning hugged each other and slept!

Ye Fei was so frightened that he hurriedly issued a decree: "close the mountain! Those who enter the back mountain will be killed!"

If this kind of thing is known, how can you save your face!

Shangguan Yuchen woke up and looked at Fengning who was still sleeping. He was puzzled by the wonderful feeling and gently opened the hair hanging in front of Fengning.

Fengning was awakened by the action, but seemed to sit up in surprise: "brother Chen, did you sleep like this last night?"

Shangguan Yuchen smiled: "we all sleep here."

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