Shangguan Yuchen lightly replied, "he asked me to treat you well. He said he was completely relieved of Li Shan."

Gongyi shadowless snorted, "that's how you treat me."

Shangguan Yuchen said slowly, "as king Chen of Tianchen, neither I nor anyone in King Chen's mansion will bow to anyone. I punish you because I'm a prince, but I'm an ordinary person with flesh and blood. I also need the feelings enjoyed by others. In fact, I thank you for what you did."

Gongyi shadowless whispered, "I know."

Shangguan Yuchen hugged her and said softly, "with you, I can always feel what I can't feel with anyone else."

"What is that?"

"I don't know, but I just want to be with you." Shangguan Yuchen said here and seemed to meditate for a while, "you said, will I, will I..."

"The moon is dark and the wind is high. Just say what you have to say. Don't swallow half your head and spit half your head, which will scare me to death." Gong Yi patted his chest and pretended to be frightened.

Just listen to Shangguan Yuchen youyou tunnel: "it's really a good weather today. At this time, you can't see me, I can't see you, and you and I can feel each other. Can you let your heart talk?"

Gongyi shadowless closed his eyes and let himself settle, "brother Chen, what do you want to say?"

Shangguan Yuchen put his hands on her face. "I always regard you as my confidant. Maybe you will become the most important person around me." he dropped his hands and said: "If someone has had the purpose of making a gap between me and Starling, if this purpose can't be achieved, there will be no means around. This time is because of Li Shan, and the next time may be Ping Qiren, or you, or something else."

Gongyi shadowless whispered: "brother Chen, since starling said he had let go, this means has startled the snake between you and Starling. I'm afraid it's not so simple to start another storm between you."

"You are really smart, but I still want to ask you, how do you know that they almost made starlings resent me by using Youwei jiedan this time? Even I don't know. Starlings hate me this time because the Youwei jiedan in Li Shan's hand fell into his hand."

Gongyi shadowless was shocked, like a head of ice water pouring down from his head, cool through his heart and lungs, and couldn't answer for a long time.

He asked, "did you guess it or did someone tell you?"

Gongyi shadowless thought that brother Chen just told me that Li Shan's death may be because brother Chen knew he had the second Youwei jiedan and violated his oath to seek his own death. However, when Youwei jiedan fell into brother BA's hand from Li Shan, he could clearly tell brother Ba that brother Chen killed Li Shan because of Youwei jiedan, so that brother Ba understood that this was a warning to brother Chen.

No matter who it is or for whatever reason, he will die if he violates his interests, which makes starling cold to Starling. No wonder starling is angry about Starling's misunderstanding. He doesn't know that there is a Youwei solution pill in Lishan's hand.

He rushed up and told starling that Youwei jiedan was put into Li Shan's hand by others. In this way, although the misunderstanding was uprooted in one breath, I can't explain now.

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