The voice behind the mountain continues

"You two are my confidants. Some words say you have no scruples, but if you are respected to know, you may not be able to live. This place is desolate, but it is also a place where you can be presumptuous. But after listening to it, you have the right to be my sister. I complain. In one ear and out the other. Do you know?"

A careful voice replied: "I know, my sister has followed Zun since childhood, and her friendship with Zun is extraordinary. For many years, Zun has only been served by her sister. I think Zun is also good for my sister and will not be easily blamed."

A low sigh came out, and the air seemed depressed.

"How can there be so many long-term love? If you say long-term love, how can there be so many wonderful flowers in the world like King Chen? If you like people who serve you closely, you can't even distinguish between men and women."

Hearing this, Gongyi shadowless glanced at Shangguan Yuchen on one side, but saw that his face was colorful. He had never seen brother Chen's wonderful face, which seemed angry, speechless and embarrassed.

Without saying a word, she lowered her head so as not to lead the fire to herself. After all, she refused to reveal her female identity.

"Your amazing talent and unique demeanor. There are few women in the world who can resist your tenderness. What's more, you have the magic method to seduce your soul. What's the matter? I've been with you since childhood. I only dare to expect you to smile at me."

Gongyi has a slight disturbance in her heart. Brother Jin's tenderness is actually very moving, but... She has some emotions and unnaturally deviates her head. This move happens to fall in the eyes of Shangguan Yuchen.

"You know, before the tenth floor, the magic soul Dharma is to ban women's sex and break the love."

The careful voice sounded again: "no wonder there was no other woman around you."

"But the lady who came down from the sky, in just a few days, let your master's skill decline, and let your plan change again and again. This inexplicable death was supposed to be your plan, but unexpectedly there was another change."

The woman's tone became indignant.

"When did you let people be so presumptuous in front of him? What if he was the king of Chen? After burning pinmeiju, you thought he could run amok in yun'an. Now you let him live in yuhunjiao. You thought he could show off his strength here with many bodyguards."

"If you don't respect the strict order and don't conflict with your subordinates, why should everyone in the sect swallow their anger and do nothing?"

Then, a slightly low female voice said, "sister Si doesn't have to be angry. You may have your own arrangements."

"Your personality is soft and hard. No matter what arrangement, he will never be weak until now, unless he is willing."

She was quiet, as if to stabilize a certain mood.

"I remember when the former leader was alive, he loved him very much and praised him many times as a wise and independent talent. The young leader was obedient only in front of the former leader and his mother, like an obedient child."

"But one day a few years ago, the former leader was so angry that he personally whipped and severely beat the former leader. I remember that day, the former leader took off his coat and knelt with his back to the former leader. The skin on his back was torn like that. The former leader didn't say a word. Deep blood wounds made the former leader cry."

"Seeing the former leader's tears, your honor kowtowed with fear and said that he would not dare to act rashly again. Unexpectedly, the next day, the former leader took poison and killed himself. Your honor held the former leader and cried to death. He kept calling jin'er wrong."

Gongyi's heart moved. How could we hear these words? Brother Jin deliberately sent someone to narrate here? She looked up at Guan Yuchen and saw that he had no waves in his face, but she seemed to be listening, and her hand held by him was gently rubbed.

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