Gongyi looked at the man who fell to the ground and his mind moved.

Brother Chen doesn't like outsiders to approach. There must be no one who knows the water drop seal behind his neck. Elder Tuo wants to check the water drop seal. Did brother Jin tell him or did brother Jin's mother disclose it that year? Elder Tuo didn't disclose brother Chen's life experience, but directly bowed down. He must have discussed with brother Jin.

Wu Jinyue stood in a spacious position on the east side of the hall. A very high rockery was not far from him, just blocking the slanting sunshine. He always looked at people in front of him calmly. The silent elder Tuo seemed to be excited about his pious worship. He looked at the distant sky and affirmed some thoughts. Then his eyes focused on the small figure around Shangguan Yuchen for a moment, looked around the rockery pavilions, and returned to the gate of the hall again.

A cool wind with slight heat blew in the face. The feeling of cool and hot let him know that although autumn has arrived, summer is not far away. A trace of boredom disappeared. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was still the familiar air. Anyway, everything in this place belongs to me.

Wu Jinyue stiffened, walked slowly to Shangguan Yuchen, stared for a while, and knelt down calmly.

Shangguan Yuchen was stunned. Although his identity was higher than that of Wu Jinyue, Wu Jinyue was also a overlord. He didn't seem to bend his waist in front of the imperial brother. Why did he kneel down to himself at the moment? Is it difficult to plead guilty?

Although he believes that the Dragon brake order is his replacement, there is no solid evidence. If he were to explain now, wouldn't his thoughts be in vain? Is it just to prove to yourself that the arrival of the YUEWU people at this time has absolutely nothing to do with the sarong order? It's far fetched.

Shangguan Yuchen looked back, but he saw that Fengning was also stunned.

He couldn't understand it, but he heard Wu Jinyue say, "Wu Jinyue gave an object to King Chen on behalf of his wife."

As Wu Jinyue said, she took out a red and golden half moon ring from her arms and said, "this thing represents the supreme power of the YUEWU family. My wife has never worn it in her life. Before she died, she always placed it on Wu Jinyue. At this time, since the YUEWU family has been subject to the king of Chen, please be sure to accept this ring, and the YUEWU family will obey his Highness from now on." then she put on the red and gold half moon ring in her hands.

Shangguan Yuchen went to Wu Jinyue and said, "is your wife's last wish to hand over the YUEWU family to the king?"


Shangguan Yuchen put his hand on the red and golden half moon ring and said to Gongyi without a shadow, "how can Mrs. Wu explain to you? Unexpectedly, she entrusted the YUEWU family to the king?"

Gongyi said "ah" and looked at Wu Jinyue with a solemn face, thinking: brother Jin, what's going on. So he nodded, "that's it."

Shangguan Yuchen looked at Wu Jinyue and said, "you are very smart, but I don't want to accept this power at will until I can't guess your mind."

Wu Jinyue seemed to know that Shangguan Yuchen would say this and said, "King Chen, he Xing was kneeling to ask for power. Are you still thinking about it, afraid of any conspiracy?"

Shangguan Yuchen was about to retort, "you're still aggressive on your knees. Don't you know if there's an attempt?" but he heard Shangguan Ziran's voice: "don't accept it rashly at 14."

Shangguan Yuchen turned his eyes to Starling.

The Shangguan Zi Ran then said, "the red gold half moon ring represents the supreme power of the YUEWU family, but it represents the leader of the YUEWU family. The YUEWU family leader has always been held by the legitimate descendants of the YUEWU family. Fourteen, you are the king of tianchenchen. Even if you want to dissolve the hatred between the YUEWU family and the Shangguan family, how can you become the head of rebellion once?"

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