"In fact, from that time on, Wuying thought that brother Jin was not as evil as his appearance." Gongyi Wuying said gently, probably because of the cold, he was close to the fire.

Wu Jinyue turned around and saw the bright little face beside the fire.

Gongyi shadowless sipped his lips and said slowly: "I hate brother Jin for that absurd scene on Yun'an lake. If I didn't believe that brother Jin is not so bad, how would I know that brother Jin's mother is brother Chen's biological mother? How would I know that brother Jin is also a person of deep kindness and righteousness? Since then, I really call brother Jin. Things have developed so far. If things go well, everyone should be happy."

"Everyone is happy?" Wu Jinyue said with a cold smile. "After tomorrow, will you stay in the Royal soul cult? How can you know what I think of you? Everyone is happy, but I'm not included."

"But there's only one shadowless heart. I know it's left in brother Chen on Yun'an lake." Gongyi shadowless bit his teeth and said this sentence hard. Then he closed his eyes as if waiting for a complaint or blame. That posture is like listening attentively.

Wu Jinyue slowly came over, stood on the other side of the fire, looked at her, and a cold smile was floating on her lips.

"How can you leave your heart with him casually? You are Liu Lan's war King disguised as a man. Do you let your opponent drag your heart in order to avoid war with your children and girls one day? Are you ready to sink into mud and harm yourself and the country? Or is Liu Lan ready to marry Liu Lan's war king in order to live in peace?"

Gongyi shadowless listened. It seemed that she faced up to Wu Jinyue for the first time. My mother strictly ordered that she should not be entangled with others in Tianchen. Although I always wanted peace between the two countries, I was also moving towards the goal. However, in addition to the goal, there was also a goal

She felt that her voice was very close to her. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Wu Jinyue's eyes were looking at her. She timidly shrunk and said, "brother Jin has a lot of evil thoughts, so don't care about the war kings of other countries, but it's not for brother Jin to worry about."

Wu Jinyue took two steps forward and said angrily, "you dress like this and say I have evil thoughts? What is evil thoughts? Do you want me to prove it to you?"

Gongyi shadowless trembled and shook her head immediately. Her fear of honesty was not pitiful, but it made people feel distressed for no reason.

Wu Jinyue's voice is much softer: "Wu Jinyue has never feared anyone except her mother all her life, but now I am extremely afraid of you. I am afraid of your sadness, your grievance, your worry, your regret, the melting in my mouth, and the breaking in the palm of my hand. In my heart, I am afraid of spoiling you, not because it is the king of Tianchen, but because you are a public instrument that no one knows about Tianchen."

Gongyi shadowless looked stunned. Brother Jin's words didn't slip out without making a draft? Have they been in his heart for a long time? She was silent for a while. Originally, the Mrs. Wu incident was a thorn in brother Chen's heart. If brother Chen knew this, wouldn't the king become a disaster? She felt a little uneasy.

Seeing her stunned face, Wu Jinyue knew that these words would not have good fruit. She was annoyed and said, "why? Scared, or do you have any idea?"

Gongyi shadowless gathered his eyebrows and his lips: "you are a step late. Before you, a more exciting confession has entered your ears."

Wu Jinyue's face was black and unwilling, but her eyes were lazy. She said, "I can't see that the boy of King Chen is usually serious. If he's more disgusting than this, he can spit it out? No wonder you're not surprised. You're as stable as Mount Tai."

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