In the restaurant, shangguanzi ran asked a bodyguard in the hall, "why is your prince so worried?"

The bodyguard respectfully replied, "report back to the eighth Lord. The Lord has been unhappy since Fengning and Ping Qiren around you entered the secret way." just after the reply, he raised his head, but saw Chen Qingfeng staring at himself angrily. He knew he must have said something wrong. He quickly bowed his head and stopped talking.

However, shangguanzi knew that this matter must have something to do with Xiaofeng. He didn't feel strange, but he felt that Xiaoqi followed him in. What are they doing in the secret way? I saw six small boxes on the table not far away. My eyebrows coagulated. This is not

He walked slowly over, and Xiao Jin, the dark Wei guarding the box, quickly stepped back.

Chen Qingfeng denounced: "Xiao Jin, it seems that the lesson of the day before yesterday has not been in place."

Xiao Jin immediately woke up and bowed his hands to the official: "eighth Lord, the Lord has orders, and no one can open this box." he thought that the Lord has a deep friendship with eighth Lord. Although he knew the command of the box and was used to it, he was ready to let eighth Lord open the box. Unexpectedly, he was scolded by Chen Qingfeng and his face turned red.

Shangguanzi ran looked back at Chen Qingfeng and seemed to understand why he was restless. Then he went out of the restaurant alone and caught up with the dark shadows in front of him by following the moonlight.

In the quiet night, the curved moon leaned against the sky, and the hazy and soft light poured down, making the surroundings more and more quiet.

Shangguan Yuchen stood quietly in the open silence.

I couldn't see his face under the dark eyelashes. I just heard his voice low and deep, without any emotional ups and downs.

"But what will tomorrow be like?"

Shangguanzi however listened to his mouth, did not answer, and his mind turned.

Yesterday, when I was fighting with elder Tuo, I was distracted by a false sword and fell in the awn needle. Today, my chess skills are far away from 14, but it is easy to win. It can be seen that 14 has already lost his composure in the matter of Xiaofeng. In this way, if Xiaofeng really has an accident, I'm afraid 14 will cause great disaster for her.

He couldn't help worrying. He asked softly, "14 is so worried, but Xiaofeng has entered yingyue villa with the Dragon brake order? Although this is not allowed, it's under your jurisdiction. As long as outsiders don't know, it doesn't matter."

Shangguan Yuchen said faintly, "she and Starling entered yingyue villa together with a person you can't think of."

Shangguan Zi Ran thought a little and said, "is it Wu Jinyue?"

Shangguan Yuchen nodded slightly, but said, "it's indisputable that the witch lady with the surname of YUEWU has a deep relationship with Wu Jinyue, but why can't she talk with Fengning?"

"The relationship between the witch lady and Fengning may be just a cover up, not to mention it first, but the witch lady has something to do with the original owner of the snake scale dagger." Shangguan Zi Ran said, as if he had precipitated his thoughts and asked, "fourteen, have you ever heard of the divorced son and mother Gu?"


Shangguan Ziran gently raised his eyelashes and said in a slow voice, "the divorced son and mother Gu is the unique Gu poison of the YUEWU family, but both father, emperor and mother imperial concubine died of this Gu."

Shangguan Yuchen was surprised and looked at Shangguan Ziran.

"When I tracked down secretly, I found that my father had spoiled a woman before. When she was pregnant, it was revealed that she was the descendant of YUEWU. Just when the mother gave birth to you, the woman also gave birth to a son, but she died. That woman should be the original owner of snake scale dagger."

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