Gongyi shadowless saw that he was gentle and his tone was sad, but he seemed to be mixed with some joking elements. He seemed puzzled. He slightly raised his eyelashes and said softly, "brother Chen is the king of Tianchen. Who do you want to talk to? Does anyone dare not listen?"

Shangguan Yuchen smiled bitterly, picked up her hand, put it on her lips and kissed it gently. The slightly hot touch extends through her skin along the eight meridians to all parts and bones.

Gongyi shadowless suddenly felt a little soft, but his heart felt unspeakable.

Listen to him slowly: "since this morning, King Tianchen has been a great prostitute who wants to change his mind and conquers the leader of the Royal soul cult by force. The whole Royal soul cult dare to be angry with me. My bodyguard was proud of his victory in the fight, but now he can't lift his head. Now it's hard for me to find a sincere person to talk." the more he said, the more lazy he became, But he looked deeply at Xiang Gongyi and said, "as a member of Prince Chen's mansion, should you do your best to make a positive explanation for what you said? It's best to take action." in this way, facts are better than eloquence.

Gongyi was stunned for a while. What does brother Chen mean in his words? Do you want to deliberately take the opportunity to let me wear women's clothes? I am the king of war accepted as a man. Once I wear women's clothes, won't I prove to my mother that Wuying has moved any idea and has the need to wear women's clothes? This is a terrible thing.

She took her hand out of Shangguan Yuchen's hand and touched her face, which was hot because she was at a loss. Some words couldn't form a sentence: "since ancient times, rumors ended in wise men, and some things became darker and darker."

"Rumors stop at wise men, but the Royal soul cult is full of muddy people. If Feng Ning describes those unbearable things with his actual behavior, they will become a popular colorful color." Shangguan Yuchen smiled and advised with a warm voice.

Gongyi shadowless wept and swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "brother Chen, a generation of God of war, how can you care about ordinary Huns?"

"I don't want to worry about it, but I like to change when I see a difference. I don't think similar words from the witch sect leader come from the mouth of ordinary fools."

Gongyi shadowless hurriedly said, "brother Chen, don't force me. The colorful colors can't be described at that time."

Her face was tangled and her tone was helpless, but her clear eyes showed a stubborn and cunning color. This made Shangguan Yuchen feel distressed and felt a strange shock. A thought came out almost unhindered, as if she saw the stubbornness of "if you force me, I will fight you.".

Shangguan Yuchen heart said, if I don't indulge her, where does she come from? Although this vision is gentle, it has a confrontation power, distant and familiar.

A piece of silver passed through his mind in a flash, and he immediately abandoned the idea that annoyed him.

Because he actually saw Gongyi's shadowless eyes from Fengning's eyes. He deviated from his thoughts, took Fengning's hand and went straight to the upper courtyard.

Standing in the flowers, Shangguan Yuchen looked at Gongyi for a long time, suddenly hugged her in his arms and whispered in her ear, "brother Chen knows you have difficulties, so he won't force you. But one day the truth will come out. Brother Chen only hopes that this day won't be far away."

Gongyi shadowless was anxious to take out his body and looked around. He said angrily, "there are dark guards around the upper court." he couldn't cry or laugh. It's really a disaster. He has no internal power. He can only hit his own feet when lifting a stone. In turn, he felt that brother Chen could at least prove to the public that he and brother Jin were innocent.

Shangguan Yuchen said with a lazy smile, "it's all the people of the king. The king wants them to know that the king is a sleeveless Lord, but the object of sleeveless is always only Fengning." his tone was sincere.

Although Gongyi shadowless felt shy, his heart was sweet and moved.

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