
Shangguan Yuchen looked at the letter paper placed on the table for a long time.

The things stolen unintentionally have been misunderstood. You can't even give me a chance to admit your mistake.

Please cherish yourself, or I will feel guilty all my life.

"Misunderstanding? I'll give you a chance to admit your mistake now." the Shangguan turned his attention to Chen Qingfeng and Lei Bili not far away. "At this time, the city gate was not opened and ordered no one to leave the city. Block all routes leaving yun'an and detain beautiful men and women around 15 years old." the sound quality was cold. Although he was confused, he was still mixed with boundless anger.

Chen Qingfeng and Lei Bili were ordered to leave.

Shangguan Yuchen tilted his head and looked at the moon.

Yuewutuo's back seemed to have a layer of frost. When it was gently blown by the breeze, it was cold to the depths of his bones. A layer of fine sweat came out from his forehead. He felt that the vision of King Chen staring at him closely was like a cold sword against his throat, as if there was a slight deviation in his reply, there would be blood splashing.

Just listen to Shangguan Yuchen's cold question: "before Fengning left, the elder went to find her?"


"Why did you go to see her?"

Yuewutuo hung his head.

Shangguan Yuchen clapped his hand heavily on the table in front of him. "Tuochang always thinks that the current one in this family is not as good as the original one?"

Yuewutuo quickly knelt down and crawled on the ground.

Shangguan Yuchen picked up the paper on the table and looked at yuewutuo, who dared not speak. He was furious. "Did you force it or did she write it voluntarily?"

Yuewutuo still dare not speak.

"Although he is an elder of a family, he is too brave." Shangguan Yuchen tightened the strength of the letter paper and shouted, "come on."

"Wait a minute." Wu Jinyue stepped forward, "it has nothing to do with the elder."

"Wu Jinyue, do you think you're dying slowly? This time, it's your masterpiece again?" Shangguan Yuchen's voice was cold and slow.

Wu Jinyue sneered, "isn't Fengning's departure forced by your king Chen? If you say a masterpiece, it should be your king Chen."

Shangguan Yuchen's cool eyes fell on his face.

"If Fengning had no trouble, would she follow you with such a dress? If Fengning had no purpose, would she specially go to Tianchen to mix with a low-ranking boy? Or does King Chen really think it's glorious to be your close boy?" Wu Jinyue sneered, raised her eyelashes and said: "The reason why Fengning can stay with you so happily is that although you Chen Wang has doubts, you are willing to believe her heart."

Shangguan Yuchen stared at him and said nothing.

"And at the moment, your Chen Wang's question has been mentioned in the light. What's the significance of Fengning staying by your side?" Wu Jinyue said slowly.

Shangguan Yuchen was angry and looked at the note in his hand again.

Please cherish yourself, or I will feel guilty all my life?

Is Gongyi Wuying sending Fengning to me really childish enough to control my mood?

In one sentence, he said: "this masked man is really hypocritical. He is a hypocrite who knows books and reason." the moves used are all bad moves that kill people without blood.

Shangguan Yuchen glanced at Wu Jinyue and suddenly said, "the king hasn't asked you yet. Are you still going to stay in the temple?"

"Now, whether I want to help Fengning leave or find Fengning for King Chen, I'm afraid I'll go out of the hall. Does King Chen think it's necessary for me to answer the question of King Chen?"

"You said it was meaningless for Fengning to stay with the king. It seems that you want to help her leave?" asked Shangguan Yuchen coldly.

Wu Jinyue did not deny it, and asked faintly, "so what?"

"Try." Shangguan Yuchen spits out two words coldly, and his tone seems to be a little different: "Fengning is the king's person. Whether you want to help the king find her or help her leave yun'an, you must go through the king's permission."

Wu Jinyue felt a little sour in her heart, but said, "then I'd better stay in the hall. Since Fengning is your king Chen's man, why do you have to ask me about her? I'm still guilty and deceive the family."

Shangguan Yuchen suddenly, speechless, angrily got up and left.

After death, Wu Jinyue said, "although it's not necessary to answer, I'll answer you a little. The few things in yingyue villa are hidden by Wu Jinyue, which has nothing to do with Fengning. The reason why I took that thing is for my mother, because it's a decree that allows you to inherit the throne as the son of the jade imperial concubine."

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