Gongyi shadowless felt that the dark guard behind him was thrown away, jumped away and turned to the nearest market nearby.

When she came out of a clothing store, she was dressed in a plain white robe, her hair was tied up high, and a few strands of hair were scattered on her flat cheeks. Her curved eyebrows could not cover her wise eyes. She looked around. It was strange that a White Mink ran around her from time to time.

Gongyi shadowless remembered that there was an elm forest in the back mountain of yun'an, which was conducive to hiding his whereabouts. In case of emergencies, the forest was also an excellent escape place. Moreover, the elm forest is not far from Qingfeng building.

The whistle of Ninggu magic whistle can determine the location, but outsiders don't know the tone source, and they don't even know where the sound comes from.

So she called the carriage, let it drive there and got off.

At this time, it was close to noon. Gongyi was hiding in the forest. He could clearly see that there was an empty space around him, there were no idle people around, and there was only the cry of cicadas in the forest. Everything seemed normal.

When she looked down, she saw a ferret running around her, and looked at herself with lovely little eyes from time to time.

Gongyi shadowless heart said, why does this mink seem to be followed by others? An idea flashed. Is it the mink of yuhun sect poison manor? Did you get some smell or put some substance on your body? No wonder Wei Jingren said that it's not impossible to go out, as long as Yi haorong is OK.

Her heart moved and she was about to get rid of the mink, but she saw the mink's small eyes looking at herself.

Gongyi shadowless put away the pebble, obviously reluctant, but explained to herself that if the mink is gone, will the people who control the mink and the mink slave have an accident again? Just follow. Brother Jin cares about himself anyway.

She still felt uneasy when she thought about it, but brother Chen's men were closely concerned about brother Jin's people.

Gongyi was thinking about it. The white shadow flashed in front of him, and the sable had disappeared. She took out the magic whistle and played the tune of summoning the shadow guard.

If Qingyin doesn't die, the king already knows whether brother Jin succeeded in taking Bai Bu away. In terms of time, there should be positive news from Mexico now,

I don't know how long I waited. The sun slanted westward and the sun was like blood. Through the hanging curtain, the world outside the elm forest was covered with a layer of golden red.

Gongyi has no shadow and is worried. Why hasn't he arrived for so long? Then he took out the magic whistle, went deeper into the forest and blew it again.

Crows croak and pass through the sky over the woods, and the late wind lifts the low curtain.

Gongyi shadowless felt his breath sink, and seemed to smell a different atmosphere.

She was anxious and hesitating, but she heard a soft call: "Lord."

Gongyi turns his head without a shadow. With a faint light, he obviously sees Yi Ming kneeling in front of him on one knee. There are signs of fighting on his body. "What's going on?" she asked

"We were tracked when we got out of Qingfeng building. They seemed to follow us at first, but later they meant to detain them forcibly. Yi Xin didn't know how to distract them. His subordinates came here after taking many big circles..."

Gongyi's shadowless eyebrow said, "does brother Chen suspect Qingfeng building?... Oh, brother Jin told me that every move of Qingfeng building is under brother Chen's control. Let me not call shadow guard and contact Qingfeng building at will."

She pulled her lips. "Brother Chen is now telling the king of war about Feng Ning's crime with one hand and attacking the king of war's power in Tianchen with the other hand. Does he have to isolate Feng Ning?"

She precipitated her thoughts a little. It seems that brother Chen has an iron heart. If Feng Ning steals the imperial edict in Tianchen and passes it to her father and mother, even if the task cannot be completed, I'm afraid I won't stay in Tianchen again, and I can't explain it back to Liu Lan. As brother Jin said, there was no way out. When the sinking voice asked, "is there any news in mozhou?"

"Just received the news this morning, King Chen has sent......" Yi Ming respectfully reported, and then his voice suddenly became very small: "the Lord's criminal evidence and the Lord's wanted image were sent to mozhou." it seems that there is still something to say.

Gongyi shadowless was surprised and angry and said, "the criminal evidence is false evidence. If you don't say it, the wanted image? What does he want?"

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