Muyunxi was surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that Shangguan Yunxiao would come out in person.

"Cloud..." Shangguan Yunxiao shouted with a smile, but the word "Xi" had not been exported, and the words had been quickly cut off by a light voice: "suwang, do you still remember Muyun?"

Shangguan Yunxiao knew clearly that she didn't want to expose her identity, so he said in a slightly joking tone: "naturally, I remember, childe mu."

Mu Yunxi turned his head and shouted, "Xiao Qi."

Yuqi came timidly.

At this time, Shangguan Yunxiao noticed the little boy with ragged clothes, scattered hair and blood stains on his face.

"Yun... Childe mu, this is..."

"This is my righteous younger brother, Yuqi." Mu Yunxi said softly.

A word surprised both of them. Yuqi didn't expect that the big brother who had helped him twice would introduce himself like this.

"Why, won't you invite us in?" Mu Yunxi lightly raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not." Shangguan Yunxiao hurried, turned aside and entered the suwang mansion with muyunxi.

After entering the house, he called his servants to take Yuqi to freshen up, and sent someone to the study to order the discussion to stop.

After he ordered him to go down in an orderly way, he looked at muyunxi and asked softly, "Yunxi, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

Muyunxi didn't turn a corner and asked, "on Tanabata night, you promised me to help me, do you remember?"

"Naturally." without thinking, Shangguan Yunxiao asked, "Yunxi, what can I do for you?"

"I want to keep Xiao Qi in Prince Su's residence, and I have to ask you to find someone to teach him to practice literature and martial arts, OK?"

In fact, muyunxi's reason for this arrangement is that Yuqi wants to find Shangguan Mo to protect his enemies. The best choice should be to follow Shangguan Mo's biggest opponent in the dispute with crown prince mo

"Of course it's no problem." Shangguan Yun Xiao Shuang quickly replied. Although he felt a little strange, Yuqi was after all the righteous younger brother admitted by muyunxi. In his heart, Yunxi left Yuqi in the suwang mansion, which was a kind of trust in him.

Seeing that he promised quickly, muyunxi asked again, "Xiao Qi's eyes are different from ordinary people. Have you noticed?"

Shangguan Yunxiao had paid attention to her, but he didn't notice it. After mentioning it, he suddenly found that Yuqi's eyes were blue!


Mu Yunxi glanced at him and said faintly, "because of these blue eyes, Xiao Qi has always been regarded as an ominous person and bears the name of a demon. Do you think Xiao Qi is a demon?"

"The theory of evil is just nonsense."

Understatement of the words, clearly do not care.

Muyunxi couldn't help admiring his eyes. Judging from his attitude towards the eyes that are different from ordinary people, Yunxiao is much wiser than shangguanmo, but he said, "Xiao Qi is my righteous brother, and I'll settle him here. If you dare to bully him in the Imperial Palace, don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yunxiao immediately vowed: "don't worry, your righteous brother, I will protect him. If anyone in my palace has the courage, I won't spare him without you!"

Mu Yunxi smiled brightly: "if you can't do it, don't blame me for smashing the plaque of your suwang mansion!"

"This is from..." before the word "ran" was said, the lips of Shangguan Yunxiao suddenly stiffened, "isn't it..."

Muyunxi seemed to think of something. Some of it was not very interesting. He smiled awkwardly and immediately opened the topic and said, "just now you sent someone to inform what discussion was suspended. What are you discussing?"

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