For a long time, Gongyi shadowless whispered, "Fengning will one day be as brother Chen wishes, but now it's really involuntarily."

"Brother Chen said to you long ago that you don't have to be yourself. Since brother Chen said so, he won't allow anyone to make you involuntarily." Shangguan Yuchen put the letter in front of Gongyi shadowless again, "whether you accept what brother Chen did or not, brother Chen will never make you embarrassed and open it."

Gongyi shadowless received the letter and said weakly, "if Zhan Wang's reply is too... Too incredible and unacceptable, brother Chen can't because of Fengning..." if you deliberately stay and don't finish, take precautions first, in case

Shangguan Yuchen took a deep look at her and heard her say, "why does brother Chen have to open the reply from King Zhan himself?"

"I just want you to believe that Zhan Wang's reply is his real reply. No one moves."

"Why did the war King reply? Who sent the letter first?" Gong Yi glanced at Shangguan Yuchen with a guilty heart. The reply had been tampered with long before he replied, but it was brother Chen who betrayed you.

Shangguan Yuchen: "..." of course, I sent the letter first, and he replied to it. Is it difficult that she is blaming me for taking an unnecessary evidence? But he said, "I used to send letters for you."

"What if this reply is not for my good?"

"Don't guess. You'll know whether it's good or bad by opening and replying to the letter. You're dawdling, but do you open it?"

"So urgent?" said Gong Yi shadowless, but he opened the seal of the letter in his hand and slowly pulled out... A piece of white cloth.

Shangguan Yuchen's calm and confident face finally had a strange crack, his eyes gradually widened, unbelievable surprise, anger, and disappointment

Gongyi saw the brilliance of the look and hung his head silently - the hen laid eggs.

She secretly tilted one eye and looked up at Guan Yuchen.

Shangguan Yuchen picked up the white cloth and put it on the tip of his nose intentionally or unintentionally. There was really a faint and familiar smell in it. Did Wu Jinyue smell this white cloth at that time? If you look at Gongyi with deep meaning, there is no shadow.

"Feng Ning, raise your head." he gently lifted her head with one hand, but shook the white cloth in front of her with the other hand. "You should be familiar with this cloth?"

Gongyi shadowless hardened his head, bit his teeth and said, "who is not familiar with an ordinary cloth? Will someone recognize it as an egg cake?"

"Very good." Shangguan Yuchen took down her hand dragging her head and pointed to the seal on the white cloth. "This seal is true?"

Gongyi looked at the seal and said nothing.

"What does it mean for a hen to lay eggs?" asked Shangguan Yuchen

"When a cock lays eggs, Fengning may not know, but when a hen lays eggs, Fengning still knows."

Shangguan Yuchen patted the white cloth on the table and looked at Gongyi without a shadow.

Gongyi shadowless was so flustered that he said, "maybe King Zhan overestimated the wisdom of King Chen and wrote such a simple and significant idiom."

She raised her hand and gently pulled Shangguan Yuchen's hand on the white cloth. She said, "King Zhan is a responsible person. There will be someone specially assigned to explain the meaning of this hen's egg laying."

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