"Does brother Chen believe Feng Ning's answer?"

"As long as Fengning answers, brother Chen is willing to believe whether it's a lie or a truth."

"The cloth was on Fengning's middle clothes, but the reply was written by Zhan Wang." Gongyi shadowless can be sure. Such an answer was shaped in brother Chen's heart. When she looked back, she saw Shangguan Yuchen's face was dark and the cold light at the bottom of her eyes flowed. The faint smile made her feel a strange chill.

Gongyi Wuying's heart was pounding. No wonder brother Chen said that Fengning stepped on two boats or was willing to be a chip for the war king. It turned out that he had already realized that Fengning secretly sent messages to the war king.

She silently came down from the horse and gently pulled his sleeve. "Fengning's identity is here. Brother Chen should understand a lot of things, but anyway, Fengning will give brother Chen an explanation."

Shangguan Yuchen lowered her eyes slightly. Seeing her quietly holding her sleeve and silent, she knew that she was helpless, so she raised her lips slightly, smiled peacefully, took her hand with her backhand and said in a slow voice: "Don't think too much. Since Gongyi Wuying can write the hen laying eggs on the white cloth as a reply, he must have another deep meaning. The story of hen laying eggs will not be more wonderful than the war between the two countries. Just, Fengning, you should remember what you said."

Gongyi Wuying said, is it so serious? He forced the king of war to draw a clear line with Fengning, but unexpectedly, Fengning voluntarily pulled out a piece of white cloth, which made the line unclear. In order to make the story of hen laying eggs better than the war, we have to find a way to meet the king's shadow guard or brother Jin.

At this time, the bodyguard reported: "I inform you that the fourth Lord has settled in Yin county last night and may arrive in yun'an tomorrow morning."

"Send someone to invite the eighth Lord immediately." Shangguan Yuchen ordered in a deep voice.

The bodyguard led away.

Shangguan Yuchen looked at Gongyi and said faintly, "if you are idle and bored, exchange feelings with stepping on the cloud."

Gongyi was delighted, but said as if nothing had happened: "then I'll take you out of the house for a walk."

Shangguan Yuchen heard the speech and paused, but he didn't turn around and didn't answer. He went straight to the study.

Gongyi shadowless led Taiyun to the door of the house and was stopped by the bodyguard.

The bodyguard asked, "what's the matter with Fengning going out of the house?"

Gongyi shadowless touched his head. "Can't you see? My horse is going out of the house. Feng Ning will take it for a walk."

The bodyguard sank his face and said, "the Lord has an order. If Feng Ning goes out of the house on the grounds of walking his horse, he will stop him."

Gongyi was stunned. He saw several servants coming in with baskets of fruit from outside the house and said, "it's not good to walk the horse. Can I buy fruit out of the house?"

The guard bowed his head and said nothing.

Gongyi shadowless was in a hurry. "I didn't eat. Can I go out to a restaurant?"

The bodyguard whispered, "I didn't eat, but I wanted to go to a restaurant. Fengning is still a very rich boy. No wonder the Prince wanted to stop Fengning who is holding the horse. He was afraid that Fengning would sell the horse. This mark is not cheap."

Gongyi shadowless opened his mouth in amazement. It's his turn to be speechless. What's wrong with brother Chen? It won't be true as the bodyguard said. He's afraid that Feng Ning would sell and step on the cloud? He muttered to himself: "what exactly does your Lord mean?"

The bodyguard answered in a clear voice: "the Lord has an order. If Fengning wants to leave the house, he must report it to the Lord personally. Only after verification, it is the truth can he leave the house."

Gongyi has no shadow and is speechless. It turns out that brother Chen wants to keep all the clouds and ambitious Fengning in Prince Chen's house. If he doesn't give up the house, what is the truth?

Thinking of this, she took TA Yun and went to the study angrily.

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