Shangguan Yuchen pinched Gongyi's shadowless shoulder with one hand, gently held her chin with the other hand and twisted her head, which made her eyes unable to escape. His voice was indifferent and gentle.

"You said in your letter that you would not be given a chance to admit your mistake, but brother Chen gave it to you, but would you accept it?"

Gongyi's shadowless heart pounded and his breathing seemed to become rapid. The pinched shoulder was like pinching his heart. There was no reason for fear and fear. My approach to brother Chen was indeed deliberate and purposeful, but what happened later, even he didn't know what was going on. How can I answer?

She instinctively tilted her head and couldn't have courage. She was not afraid of him, but that her answer would make him more misunderstood. This misunderstanding is unreasonable, but it is reasonable in brother Chen's eyes.

Gongyi shadowless suddenly thought of Wu Jinyue. Is it brother Jin's idea? She looked up at Guan Yuchen again. Her eyes were sharp but tender, which made her have the courage to face her and lose the power to defend casually.

"What's the chance to admit mistakes?" the pain was numb in my heart, but my voice was as calm as possible.

"You said that the white cloth that King Zhan replied came from your Chinese clothes. Did you tear off the Chinese clothes to convey any news to Gongyi Wuying or did you have other meanings? Why was his reply directly painted on the white cloth? You should understand his intention."

Gongyi has no shadow and smiles bitterly. Can I tell brother Chen that there is no letter paper on the carriage, and the king of war's seal is covered on the edge of the white cloth? I understand. Can you say it? Just to hide a secret, how can this distress be so great? She answered with a guilty and powerless heart, "didn't brother Chen say that the king of war has another deep meaning? Feng Ning can't figure it out."

She raised her eyes and whispered, "Fengning thinks it's not time to admit her mistake."

Shangguan Yuchen looked at her incredulously, which made her back overflow cold sweat.

"Not yet?" he said in a flat voice but with terrible anger. "Is it time for you to make me crazy for you?"

Gongyi shadowless stubbornly turned away. Now how can I say, brother Chen will be angry.

Her voice was as low as somniloquy: "brother Chen, don't think far. Maybe Zhan Wang's reply was written on the white cloth because... Because... It's a simple reason."

Shangguan Yuchen coldly took her words, "don't tell the king that there is no letter paper in his public instrument shadowless hand."

Gongyi looked at him suddenly with a faint light at the bottom of his eyes, "it's not impossible."

The voice just fell, and he had suffered a heavy shudder on his head.

Gongyi showed his teeth in pain, stroked his forehead and listened to his angry words: "are you deliberately pretending to be confused or really don't know the importance of things?"

Gongyi has no shadow and hangs his head. Will anyone believe such truth?

"Since you don't want to answer, brother Chen won't embarrass you. But the king will get the answer from others."

Gongyi Wuying was surprised. Yi Xin was still in his hand. If he wants to get the answer he wants, does he want to punish Yi Xin?

Sure enough, Shangguan Yuchen said slowly, "you know, a spy Liu Lan fell into the king's hands before contacting people a few days ago."

Gongyi shadowless angrily stepped back a few steps and said, "what do you want to do to her? You have no evidence to prove that she is a spy of Liu Lan or has committed a violation of Tianchen's law. But you don't know the meaning of King Lien Chan, so you're going to beat someone who just makes you suspect into a move."

After saying that, seeing Shangguan Yuchen staring at her angrily, she said, "if you persecute the king of war like this, it is equivalent to persecuting Fengning."

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