Shangguan Yuchen's voice was like gurgling water. There were small waves in Gongyi shadowless's ear. Together with his breathing, it seemed that he would flow into the softest part of Gongyi shadowless's body.

He left his identity, explained to her and asked her for the answer.

The moon rose and a bright touch hung over the backyard.

Gongyi had no shadow and calmed himself. He put his hand on his outer shirt and wiped it gently in his arms. It seemed that he wiped the tears in his eyes without revealing any trace. With a blurred look at the bottom of his eyes, he gently shouted: "brother Chen."

Shangguan Yuchen looked at her and gently stroked her long hair.

Gongyi shadowless suddenly burst into tears again in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth slightly curved a blurred lip line, "the stars, moon and day are opposite, and under the same sky, they have already glowed with each other. Sometimes I can't feel clearly because... Because the moon is naughty, he got into the clouds, so long as he waits, he will come out."

"But when it came out again, brother Chen was afraid that it was no longer in his sight. He couldn't destroy the clouds. Couldn't he drill in by himself?"

When Gong Yi heard the speech, he suddenly choked as if all his words had been choked, and tears couldn't help pouring out after all.

Shangguan Yuchen saw her like this and hugged her tightly in his arms. "Brother Chen is afraid that you have been in the clouds for a long time and it will change when you come out."

Gongyi shadowless wanted to say "how can it change so easily?", but for some reason, he didn't spit out this sentence.

Shangguan Yuchen's lips gently touched her forehead, and then one hand held her shoulder, the other hand directly raised his sleeve and swabbed at the corners of her eyes, deliberately joking: "look, it's always sunny, doesn't it rain?"

Gongyi's shadowless head deviated, but he pulled his sleeve and rubbed his eyes hard, and then said angrily: "thank you."

The rare little woman's mood made Shangguan Yuchen relaxed and sweet. His breath was stable and long: "you're welcome."

Gongyi shadowless received her tears, but slightly condensed her eyebrows, stretched out another hand and looked at Shangguan Yuchen without lifting her head.

After being slightly stunned, Shangguan Yuchen gently put the white hair band pulled in his hand in Gongyi's shadowless outstretched hand, unwilling to say, "you're so stubborn, don't you have to wait? Now I depend on you. Even if the weather changes, the king won't let go."

Gongyi shadowless spits out her tongue, but playfully says, "I see." then she quickly ties her hair and says, "Fengning says this for the good of brother Chen." seeing that he doesn't agree, she looks at herself expressionless, and she says: "Brother Chen is the God of war Prince who is famous all over the world. King Chen, the God of war, suddenly married his close mate as the princess. This reputation has spread far and will no longer be an excellent array and unfathomable martial arts, but a shocking role model."

"You don't have to worry about it. Who dares to say the king's gossip?"

"Yes, they dare not talk nonsense, but dare to follow suit. Then, the wind of broken sleeves will develop in full swing in Tianchen."

Shangguan Yuchen couldn't laugh or cry. Just now she was in a hurry to death. Pear blossoms with rain. Now she's sad. She's full of spring breeze and makes fun of the king. She's really a little guy who can't worry. I don't know what relationship she has with Gongyi. After she straightened, she dragged her wrinkly sleeve from the corner of her eyes and whispered, "hen lays eggs."


At the moment, it was late, but the bodyguard guarding tens of meters still didn't dare to leave or break in without permission. Wu Jinyue seemed to walk here, but was stopped by the bodyguard.

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