Yi Yu stood up from his seat without hesitation and said positively, "Yi doesn't quite understand the meaning of King Chen. The matter conveyed is beyond Yi Yu's scope of responsibility. I'm sorry it's difficult to obey."

Shangguan Yuchen frowned slightly and said in a cold voice, "do you really want to quarrel?" "quarrel" accented, "if King Chen understands the meaning of hens laying eggs and has a treatment plan, you can go back and reply. Follow your orders to the end. That's what you said."

"Yes, but the hen lays eggs. Wang Chen seems to have misunderstood..."

Before he finished, he was stopped by Shangguan Yuchen.

"The hen lays eggs. You have clearly told me what you mean. I also respect King Zhan and admit the relationship between chicken and egg. The solution is that I don't investigate the quality of eggs. I just want to swallow them at will. As for the consequences, I don't have any responsibility with the hen. But if the eggs disappear from me for no reason, I won't let anyone have a connection with her disappearance."

Shangguan Yuchen snorted coldly, "Mr. Yi, I'm afraid there's something else to hide."

He raised his eyes slightly, reflected the candle light, and his eyes were more profound. He said, "originally, this strange reply was like the hand of a naughty boy around the king."

Yi Yu's calm on his face gradually disappeared. The Lord grew up in Ninggu. He was lively and never restrained. He thought he was like Ninggu everywhere. As long as they are not prohibited, they can do whatever they want. The king of Chen is not a vegetarian, and he doesn't know what he looks like, which may let the king of Chen see the clue. Therefore, the reply became more and more careful: "the evidence that King Chen handed to King Zhan doesn't need at all. There must be a misunderstanding. Please investigate and make a conclusion."

Shangguan Yuchen frowned, "how can there be a misunderstanding with evidence? The misunderstanding in the middle is that a villain interferes with it and has two sides and three knives. This king has just confirmed it. Your repeated prevarication can't be the identity of the king of war and can't control this egg?"

Yi Yu lowered his head. Although he covered the change of his look, it was difficult to answer. He felt anxious in his heart. How could he interpret white cloth as innocent?

Shangguan Yuchen seemed to see Yi Yu's idea and said, "no matter how you hide the unclean thing, no matter what you say it means, it's a flaw." hum and smile, the tone was a little heavy, but the sound quality was lazy. "If the war king can't guarantee this, the king of Japan will send someone to state directly to Liu Lan's emperor, whether to investigate or rest, and ask Liu Lan's emperor to decide."

This remark seems to be light and simple, but it has been thought over again. Half is true, the other half is really tempting.

Fengning dare not wear women's clothes. If King Lien Chan can't grasp her... And she said that Fengning's female identity is a joke, and even it's disgraceful to be princess Chen. In other words, it is very likely to touch the dignity of Liu Lan's royal family.

Shangguan Zi Ran slightly raised his eyes, looked at Shangguan Yuchen and lowered his eyelashes.

Fourteen knew that the relationship between Prince Zhan Wuying and Fengning might never be separated again, but he made another deal and directly asked Liu Lan's emperor to decide. But there is less arrogance and more politeness in his words.

At the moment, Yi Yu had completely dared not speak. Now he was in a dilemma, so he bowed his head and remained silent.

The Lord knows that he has a heavy responsibility, but he acts recklessly in Tianchen. He knows that he has made trouble. He tries his best to let me rob the material evidence, send a letter in white cloth, and let me come with the letter. All this is for fear that the emperor and his wife will know about it.

If I don't go back and restore my life, I'm afraid this matter will be directly poked to the emperor. According to the lady's temperament, how can such nonsense spare the Lord? And if he should, he betrayed the Lord. When the Lord returns home, the king of war will have no faith.

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