Jinglian whispered, "since misty rain is intentional, why not ask the emperor to give you a marriage? The emperor loves you most."

Misty rain shook his head gently, "The king of Jin comes from the Jianghu. He is free and uninhibited. Even if he works for his father, he usually does whatever he wants. According to his father, his influence in yun'an has long been closed to the king. It is proof that he can get back the Dragon brake order for his father in yun'an. It is unexpected that he made the order to grant the king this time. If his father made the order to grant marriage, I'm afraid it would be only unilateral."

Gongyi Wuying was shocked. He knew a little about brother Jin's financial power, but the king thought it was Emperor Tianchen's reward to brother Jin, but it was like emperor Tianchen's accommodation to brother Jin?

Brother Jin is a person with a different surname. Emperor Tianchen didn't have the ability to completely control him, so he sealed the border as the king. For emperor Tianchen, it's still a surprise. Brother Jin promised? What do you mean? This is clearly conniving at the legal development of this force. If brother Jin has different intentions, wouldn't he put Tianchen in danger?

Does emperor Tianchen's move... Mean that brother Chen's troops are stationed in yun'an? Or does it simply contain brother Chen from leaving yun'an.

On this day, Emperor Chen's internal nerve structure could not be regulated by his own medical skills.

Gong Yi took his mind and listened to Jing Lian's soft voice: "don't worry about the misty rain. The princess is noble and has a beautiful face. The holy meaning of the princess's Yunan trip is obvious. The king of Jin is a smart man. He will pay attention to you."

"His wife died unexpectedly and was placed in front of the spirit due to the order of the Dragon brake, which made it known all over the country. He is now King, alone, young and handsome, and has unlimited future. I don't know how many beautiful women and celebrities will attend the banquet of the king's house of Jin a few days later. How easy is it to stand out?"

"Banquet? Dinner?" Jing Lian woke up from a dream. "We're still in the array..."

"Ling'er, take the sword." Yanyu called.

"Princess, I can't get through. I'm stopped wherever I go." a voice came back from a distance.

"Put both swords here, it doesn't matter." Jinglian's voice.

"Why do you want double swords to break the formation?" Yanyu asked.

"The North-South Liangyi sword technique is a sword technique on the surface. In fact, it can determine the orientation."

Gongyi shadowless nodded slightly, which is equivalent to Ninggu's compass, but this stupid method can only break the simple five element eight trigrams array.

She sighed. This move was tested inch by inch. She didn't talk about whether she could break the battle. She only knew the whole battle situation. If the dinner ended tomorrow night, she might have time to attend a closing ceremony.

Listen to the voice of misty rain: "you can't play sword like this in the array. You'll break the branches and sweep down the leaves of holly. Uncle 14 is very strict in the protection of the array. Every plant and tree here is strictly managed. It's a strange story for thousands of years that you can bring the sword into the array."

"Don't use this method. You don't know the location in the blink of an eye. It's getting late, the moon comes out, and the dinner begins."

It's getting late... The moon comes out... The public instrument has no shadow, and the aura suddenly appears. At the moment, the shadow of the trees in the array is blurred. There is no shadow without light. The possibility of the mechanism in the array being triggered is the least. But when the moon comes out, as long as there is a shadow, it's difficult to break the array.

A bad idea comes out. It's definitely impossible to break out. Can you destroy it?

Brother Chen protects every plant and tree here strictly. There is no light in the array at this time, and the damage may not trigger the mechanism. If you rush out at this time, it will be one of the breaking laws, but after this time

She looked at two figures moving vaguely not far away. The confusion like facing the abyss rose from the bottom of her heart. She was a little nervous and had an impulse to break through the confusion and find out.

Do you want to destroy it? At least you can see if it will affect hidden weapons and whether this array is a phantom array.

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