The public instrument has no shadow to smell speech to see Yi Xin one eye, way: "explain more white."

Yi Xin lowered his head and whispered, "King Chen said to his subordinates that he knows one or two of his subordinates' origins. He doesn't have the heart to investigate his subordinates' origins, but now he needs to extricate you. His subordinates' identity form is the only person who can easily become you."

Gongyi has no shadow. Brother Chen asks Yi Xin to stay in Ningyuan of Prince Chen's mansion as me. Does he want to get rid of the golden cicada and let me get away? Escape? Is Fengning in some kind of trouble? But my thoughts quickly returned to the things I care about. Brother Chen didn't let me go up Juzi mountain unconsciously, did he?

Although the idea flashed, the instant excitement suddenly poured out like a mountain torrent, making her blood boiling.

Gongyi's shadowless eyes looked at Yi Xin, but she looked serious and couldn't see any abnormality.

"King Chen said that in the past, the famous leader of the witch sect in the Jianghu suddenly became the king of Jin in Tianchen. The ordinary challenge of the Royal soul sect involved the two kings of Tianchen, and it was widely spread in the Jianghu overnight. What is particularly wonderful is that King Chen once punished the king of Jin with the king of Jin's stick if he lost, and the tie theory rendered the color of Fengning unparalleled." Yi Xin narrated and dared not look up at Gongyi.

How can Gongyi shadowless not hear the taste? Brother Chen's sleeve has been broken.

She sighed and sighed involuntarily, "brother Jin has become the king of Jin. I'm afraid the development of yun'an depends on brother Jin's face. There will be no dark clouds over yun'an, and there will be rain and wind."

A small wind blew, and several idle clouds flowed over Ningyuan. Many kinds of leaves fell from the lush woods around. They floated to the strange flowers in the front of the field of vision, and the colorful beauty was painted with a real seasonal color

No matter how gentle the wind is, it is not like the spring wind. It can't remove the boring factor of autumn.

"King Chen said that you should stay in Ningyuan. With the ability of him and King Jin, it will not take two days for yun'an to restore the peace of the past." Yi Xin raised his head, bit his lips and continued: "The world knows that King Chen is addicted to the array, but I don't know that you come from a famous Gongyi family in the mainland. There are strange arrays in Ningyuan. If you can break out of the array when the guests gather, you can stop the gossip on the grounds of similar interests and talents."

Yi Xin suddenly stops talking and looks at Gongyi with understanding eyes.

"Why don't you say it? If you have anything to say directly, you don't have to have any taboos." Gong Yi's shadowless face coagulated slightly, but his tone was gentle.

"King Chen said that he cherished talent and became a famous firewood cutting move of yun'an. Although this breaking array blocked the mouth of fools, it aroused the doubts of the fourth Lord of Tianchen. The fourth Lord insisted on seeing the princess Chen decided by King Chen himself, and you have the identity. You have no choice but to make a bad decision."

Gongyi Wuying seems to understand, but he seems to be more confused.

"Finished?" she said two words in doubt.


"Make a bad decision." Gong Yi said to himself. Do you really want to eat and sleep and have a clear mind? Help Fengning out of the siege? Does brother Chen hesitate to use Juzi Mountain project to transfer the goal of the fourth Lord? Doesn't it mean that King Chen is addicted to array? When is Fengning's identity more important than Juzi Mountain project?

For a time, only the sound of the wind blowing flowers and trees could be heard around.

Yi Xin raised his eyes and suddenly raised his lips when he saw that Gongyi had no shadow. It was bright and silent, but the spring was brilliant. It seemed to show all the sweetness and joy in his heart in the corners of his lips and the depths of his eyes full of laughter.

The LORD was originally very beautiful, but this beauty was found in the Lord for the first time.

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