"Shameless swindlers."

"This is what Feng Ning learned from Gongyi's shadowless' hen laying eggs'." Shangguan Yuchen deliberately winked at her and said: "is there a wonderful way to achieve the same results? The ability to be naughty is invincible in the world."

"Go." Gongyi said without a shadow, "the difference between cloud and mud is that one is snow-white and the other is black. How can it be compared?"

Shangguan Yuchen didn't think so, but changed his joking expression and said: "Fengning, you know, there are many things in the world that you can't help yourself. For your 'body', I have hidden everything. You can rest assured and boldly appear in yun'an as Princess Qingxia of Chen, who is determined by the king..."

Brother Chen didn't take his evaluation to heart. It was very different from his usual reaction when he maintained Gongyi shadowless and fought with him. It seemed that he was deliberately avoiding a quarrel with himself. Gongyi shadowless had a hunch. At this time, his words clearly wanted to appear in yun'an with him as Qingxia.

Before finishing his words, Shangguan Yuchen saw that Gongyi had changed his face and a tough attitude of rejection had appeared. He then whispered and said, "this will be beneficial to Fengning in the future, and it will only take a moment."

"No." Gongyi Wuying answered difficultly but affirmed, "brother Chen knows that Fengning has the difficulty of not being a woman, and Fengning and Qingxia have the same face, which doesn't make sense... If brother Chen wants to relieve the trouble, he won't find..." another woman muddled through.

Shangguan Yuchen's depression appeared in her face, which made Gongyi shadowless. She thought of his disappointment when he answered that Xiaodan was handled by the war king in the study. Her heart hurt, so she took back her unfinished words.

"Just as you can neither fully own nor do what you want now, you can't step back and live one step at a time. My king won't compromise between the real person and sincerity exposed to the world, so you can only make plans again."

He sighed deeply. The air flow was so long that Gongyi felt faint and endless. He went straight around people's hearts. He didn't dare to look at him again. He always felt that he had forced him into a helpless situation.

She was a little uneasy and whispered, "privately, Feng Ning had already regarded himself as brother Chen's Qingxia."

Shangguan Yuchen took her in his arms, "I know, it can't be relied on."

His face gently rubbed her hair and said, "brother Chen is not tired of it, so he has thirty-six plans. Here, you are Qingxia... You can dress up yourself freely."

Gongyi shadowless stretched out his arm and hugged him. He asked softly, "brother Chen hasn't told me where this is?"

"As long as you know, this is a far away place. It's brother Chen's paradise. Brother Chen wants to take you here and enjoy its real magic."

Gongyi shadowless asked no more questions, and a smile filled her cheeks. At the moment, she really approached brother Chen as a woman.


Shangguan Yuchen took her hand and twists and turns. I don't know how many paths I have passed, and there are occasional people passing around.

"Here, brother Chen is not the prince of Tianchen. He doesn't need to train troops, arrange arrays and socialize. You're not Fengning. There's no war king, mission and purpose. We're just a pair of ordinary lovers." he said as he walked.

Gongyi shadowless smiled brightly. "It's nice to be ordinary. You can even walk like that. You don't have to fly past difficult places."

She pulled her arm and trotted with Shangguan Yuchen. With a foot sound, she startled several birds not far away. They fluttered into the air.

"Where it's difficult to go, brother Chen can carry you." he smiled and dragged her in front of him. His eyes were unpredictable. "If you run like this again, be careful that brother Chen loose his hand. The mountain road is difficult to go. Later, the mountain will change a lot."

"I'm not afraid. Brother Chen's ability won't let Fengning leave if she looses her hand." she shook off his hand and ran straight ahead. After a while, she turned her head and really didn't see Shangguan Yuchen.

She has always been brave and has abnormal ability to know the road. In her heart, she thought that brother Chen was joking with herself, so she smiled, looked at the mountain road ahead and was surprised to find the vision.

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