He held her hand and gently bandaged her wound with the torn cloth. But he said, "brother Chen doesn't know that kindness is also hurtful."

The gentle feeling made Gongyi think of the scene that brother Chen drugged himself because he hurt his hand with chopsticks in the study. At that time, the shy and warm feeling turned into a heartbeat at the bottom of her heart.

She gently pursed her lips, then half angry and half smiled and said, "only when you're hurt can you know your heartache..."

He smiled with pity in his eyes. He looked at her with a smile and said slowly: "do you remember that brother Chen was drunk on the back mountain and the wine pot hurt his hand. You rushed up and broke the broken pot. At that time, you were dressed as a woman and denied that you were Fengning..."

Gongyi shadowless listened. It turned out that he really wanted to show his truth in front of brother Chen. At this time, it's convenient to think that he is really Qingxia.

She blushed slightly and involuntarily raised her eyes. The dagger in her hand fell unconsciously to one side. The faint light flowed in her clear eyes, and the floating factor in the fundus of her eyes became more and more exciting.

The faint fragrance in the air is diffuse, winding between the two, and the thick white fog fluctuates on their sides. The ethereal light and dark makes the cherry red figure more beautiful and moving in Shangguan Yuchen's eyes.

Shangguan Yuchen gently pulled the wrapped little hand, then tilted his head, and the lip flap covered her lips

The faint fragrance that is hard to rely on lingers in my nose, like the breeze with the fragrance of flowers in the cherry trees in spring.

Comfortable and wonderful.

He suddenly hugged her body and kissed deeper. The gentle warmth transmitted through his clothes was like a magical magic, calling the deepest desire hidden in his body.

Gongyi's shadowless brain is blank, as if he has lost any ability to think

"Are you ready? Qingxia." he has a low voice, gentle eyes, pure smile, but fascinating.

Gongyi has no shadow, but feels that the hot air is sprayed on his neck, which is hot and provocative, bringing a trace of itching.

Her heart jumped, the handsome face in front of her expanded infinitely, and there was no illusory place in the surrounding scenery, and then her clothes seemed to be untied

It was dark and ethereal around, and the wind blew. It seemed that there was cool in his heavy breathing. Looking at Junyan close at hand, Gongyi had no shadow, hurriedly grasped his clothes, forced the ups and downs in his heart, and said, "no, I'm not ready. Brother Chen, don't do this..."

"What's the matter with you? Brother Chen is just asking you, why can the vivid witch lady dress yun'an without storm, and Qingxia has so many scruples?" the words spit out, and Shangguan Yuchen's voice is a little anxious. He has guessed from Gongyi's shadowless and flustered actions and blurted out words just now.

In the emotional fantasy array, the true feelings will be completely set in the array. They have deep internal power and have been prepared for it. They are almost confused in it, not to mention Fengning?

He mercilessly pinched her injured finger. The sudden pain made Gongyi have no image. He was suddenly stimulated by the cold water and woke up the fantasy for a few minutes.

She raised her eyes and saw brother Chen holding his hand. The fundus of her eyes seemed to have a feeling of love that could not be hidden. Her clothes were correct, and there was no abnormality around. It was just that her feelings were moving and hallucinating. She blushed and bowed her head in shame in the face of his straight eyes.

She whispered: "no matter how similar Mrs. Wu is, it will not remind people of Fengning. Even if Qingxia is masked, even if there is a trace of similarity, she will be misunderstood to Fengning."

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