In the morning, Gongyi shadowless, dressed in white men's clothes, stood in the open space of Ningyuan.

The wind is not strong, but the shadow on the ground is clear.

She concentrated for a long time, memorized the rules of the shadow, then walked through the shadow and remembered the overlapping position of the shadow.

She knew that only when her shadow was covered by overlapping shadows would she not touch the shadow movement law in the array. However, it was strange that there was no fixed law in the shadow array no matter where she stepped into the garden.

This can only show that there must be mottled shadows around the phantom array.

Is this phantom array not a simple flower array to lead you into Weng?

It was a coincidence that the trees were destroyed that evening. At that time, the sky was dark and the earth was shadowless. However, it is usually the end of the day and the rise of the moon. The phenomenon of the end of the day and the absence of the moon can be encountered but not sought.

Misty rain and Liu Jinglian entered the array, providing a living position for breaking the array.

Gongyi Wuying understands that this opportunity of favorable weather, location and human harmony is difficult to appear again.

"I knew you would repeat your old skills and take advantage of opportunism." Shangguan Yuchen's words naturally rang in his ears.

She smiled bitterly in her heart. That day, brother Chen saw the celestial phenomena and gave hints. At this time, if you want to break the array, you have to find out the miscellaneous shadow in the phantom and eliminate the miscellaneous shadow, so as to fully grasp the law.

If the internal power is still there, these things are easy to do

Gongyi shadowless followed another path and tried to leave Ningyuan from other arrays. She took a heart and made a mark on the path. She climbed one of the big trees at the entrance of the array. The observed results surprised her even more.

With his own array knowledge, he immediately concluded that brother Chen said that there are arrays around Ningyuan. It's good to go out through any array. It's misleading. The four sides of the array take the phantom array as the center, and each array is supplemented by towering trees, which is clearly the mottled and miscellaneous shadow in the phantom.

To put it bluntly, all the arrays around here lead you into Weng, and there is no exit at all. Enter from any one of them, and the final way out is in the phantom array.

Gongyi slid down the tree without a shadow and returned to the yard of Ningyuan. Looking at the shadows on the ground getting shorter and shorter, the changes of shadow movement became less and less obvious, and his heart became more and more angry.

Ling'er changes her dressing in the hospital. If she disappears for a long time, it will be a lot of trouble.

At this time, near noon, I was not allowed to study carefully, and it was impossible to compare my sword skills with brother Chen's shadow guard. If I didn't want a quick method, I'm afraid there would be trouble one by one.

She looked at the ground silently and thought to herself: lying on the ground has the smallest shadow and the smallest change in the array. She also has a snake scale dagger, which can absorb all kinds of light substances around her regardless of speed. In the phantom array, the floating dust at the place without shadow stack and shadow stack will be obviously different.

Gongyi has no shadow, bites his lips and condenses his eyebrows. He is too tangled.

Do you really want to climb out of the array with a snake scale dagger like a snake, as brother Chen suggested? This is why I feel sorry!

Since brother Chen intends to prompt, he must want to give himself a chance to go out of the house, and says that he will worry about Fengning's accident in the array when he leaves. What if something happens? Anyway, brother Chen said Xu Fengning came out in any way.

It's no luck to repeat the old technique at the moment, but there are no opportunistic methods.

But after trying, whether brother Chen can calm down when he comes back, and whether he can be stable at that time is really an unknown number.

She shook her head and sighed.

I can only blame brother Chen. You have nothing to do but to trap Fengning. In a hurry, you have to

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