Wu Jinyue slowly opened the folding fan, like a flickering voice in the dark: "Niuze mountain is a shortcut between yun'an and Ze county. Although it is located in a remote area, the people who come and go on weekdays never stop. It is neither a scenic spot in yun'an nor a quiet place for dating, and the journey is long and difficult. Only tomorrow, the time is very hasty, and it will affect the trip to Juzi mountain the next day. Although you are a ling'er at this time, you secretly know you It should be clear. Do you want to avoid that place? "

Gongyi has no shadow and frowns slightly, "Brother Jin didn't say that you could go anywhere without going out of yun'an? I'm just curious about what the hell happened. Besides brother Chen sending heavy troops to guard and issuing a sound ban, brother Jin, you even issued a killing order. I didn't know Niu Ze mountain would be so far away. At this time, I think it would have an impact on Juzi mountain. Brother Jin, don't embarrass me. I don't know where to date."

"You... Don't know..." Wu Jinyue shook her fan gently and moved very slowly.

He looked at the public instrument without a shadow. The ordinary face in the blurred light seemed to cover with a smile, and his eyes were as clear as stars.

"The shadow is curious about the name of... There?" he seemed to hide his doubts deeply, spit out his words, understatement, seemingly casual, but only he knew how careful he was.

In the gentle breeze, the cherry red figure on the horse's back breaking through the fog of the array, with green silk flying, is like an inky glow breaking through the air

She is veiled and carries the reins with one hand. She is heroic and rustling. It is difficult to match in the world. The hoofs of the horse step on the flying dust all the way

He can't forget that his clear eyes are natural and unrestrained in front of him and go away happily

At the moment, she told herself clearly that she was curious about what had happened in that unknown place.

The wind suddenly blew in the carriage, and the window curtain vibrated. It seemed that a faint fragrance floated in with the wind, and rushed into the nose to breathe, which was comfortable and intoxicating.

"Since I can't go, I'll forget it. I don't know whether the market is coming or not. I'm really hungry." she looked around indifferently, and the blurred halo dragged the shadow of the carriage for a long time.

She raised her eyes and said happily, "the lights of the market are reflected. Stop, stop."

The carriage didn't stop completely. Gongyi shadowless had stood up and didn't have time to take the next step. A powerful arm wrapped around her waist and stabilized her in her arms. Then he opened the bound curtain and was lifted down.

It was darker all around. The sudden move made Gongyi invisible. In addition to being upset, there was a trace of anger. Before it happened, a soft voice sounded in his ear: "this is a busy city. What to do? Remember your identity at the moment. Don't add trouble to yourself..."

Gongyi was startled, "I see."

"Brother Jin's identity is out of tune with ling'er at this time, so he is waiting for you here." he smiled lazily, released her while talking, and straightened the jade hairpin on her head.

Gongyi shadowless quickly got out of the carriage, arranged it slightly outside the carriage, and joked: "it's really careless of the maid to take a prince out for dinner."

At this time, the lights are on, the night market has just started, and there is a special prosperity in the street market.

Walking in this market, Gongyi has no shadow and is relaxed for a while.

In order to save time, she found a little secluded stall, ordered a bowl of wonton and looked at the heads coming and going in the street

When she was distracted, a bowl of wonton had fallen in front of her, but a luxurious carriage stopped not far behind he

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