Wu Jinyue looked a little stunned. She looked slightly sideways, and her eyes fell on the shadowless face of the anxious public instrument. In a slow voice, "does ling'er have anything to say for your master?"

Ye Fei whispered again, "do you think the king of Jin looks like this woman? Does he look like our Lord to Fengning?"

The bodyguard whispered, "it's true. One is male and the other is female."

Ye Fei sighed deeply and shouted to the guards, "enough to see. Go back to the house."

Gongyi shadowless bit his lip, "my princess is very compassionate and doesn't like this bloody thing."

Shangguan Yanyu has been waiting for nearly a day in King Jin's residence. If the gift is rejected, it is reasonable that linger will return the letter soon.

While she waited nervously, she bred a lot of joy, which must have a thread of reason.

Seeing the night approaching, as the master of ling'er, it's also right to show concern. In fact, this is a thousand year opportunity to get close to the king of Jin.

She is well dressed and full of interest

Unexpectedly, the carriage passed by the market, but I saw 'ling'er' sitting alone on the street snack stand

It is conceivable that she was disappointed. The depressed fire in her heart made her want to tear linger to pieces immediately.

She stopped the carriage not far away, calmly watched linger's every move, and thought about how to make linger suffer more humiliation to vent her anger. Unexpectedly, the king of Jin suddenly came.

Ling'er is his personal maid. He shrinks in the carriage and looks on coldly, which will inevitably arouse the conjecture of others.

Shangguan Yanyu was thinking about how to eliminate bad factors and appeared in front of the king of Jin in amazement, but linger stared at his carriage for no reason, but ignored it, so that he appeared naturally and generously.

What's more annoying is that ling'er lost his etiquette in front of the king of Jin.

The problems ahead had not yet been solved, and the accidents behind caught her by surprise.

If you get off like this, don't be surprised. I'm afraid it will be regarded as hypocritical to put up an apology.

If you want to be a princess, the spirit simply doesn't want to live.

I didn't think that in this short period of time, there were several twists and turns.

First, linger had an idea and said that he was infected with the cold, which resolved all the embarrassment of shrinking in the carriage.

Then I heard the king of Jin call himself "misty rain", and said that the person who misty rain is the king's person. What does this mean?

There is no word in the world to describe the brilliant mood of Shangguan Yanyu at the moment.

Shangguan Yanyu's mind is overflowing. This ling'er is suddenly smart and bold. It turns out that the emergence of the king of Jin is not a coincidence, but because she has completed the task assigned by herself. The king of Jin has accepted "falling in love", and the king of Jin is now severely punishing the boss of the snack stand, which is likely to be announced in a high profile----

Her Shangguan Yanyu has a very important position in his heart, so that even her servants are not allowed to be offended in his jurisdiction.

Shangguan Yanyu is happier and farther away

His identity is orthodox and noble, and the king of Jin is still a prince with a foreign surname after all. In order to consolidate his position, he can make friends with himself without harm. Not to mention his natural beauty, he deserves it

Shangguan Yanyu put down the jade cup and asked Qi Hong, the maid beside him, to bind the veil for himself. Who makes his mind surge? This may be a good opportunity for Bo Jun's compassion.

Just now I heard the king of Jin respect linger's call, and asked her more slowly if she had anything to say on behalf of the Lord.

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