Wu Jinyue's hand was still hanging normally. He didn't feel it from other places outside his body. However, if he looked closely, he could see that his face twitched slightly.

The night is lacquered like ink, the moonlight is silent like water, the night wind blows the floating clouds silently, and the light of the faint moon is bright for several minutes.

He finally frowned, turned his face and asked softly, "does ling'er have something to tell your master?"

Shangguan Yanyu repeatedly stated his position and even advised Yu Liang to accept but beg for mercy. He thought that since he wanted to show his position in front of the people in yun'an, he should also do something, but he still seemed thoughtful and absent-minded. He neither started nor gave up.

This is obviously a small matter. Is it because you guessed wrong? What the hell does he mean?

Maybe it's wrong to get involved.

Shangguan Yanyu was vaguely uneasy. Listening to his joking opening, he leaned slightly, raised his eyes, but saw that "ling'er" had been fixed behind him.

She flashed a trace of displeasure in her eyes. She glanced coldly at Gongyi without a shadow. She covered her veil gently over her mouth and nose as if nothing had happened. She owed her body, and her voice was soft: "the misty rain should not stop in the wind for a long time, so she returned to the car."

Shangguan Yanyu straightened up and looked at Gongyi without a shadow. His eyes ranged from displeasure to confusion, and then to faint anger.

The spirit was proud of her work. She was lazy to serve the princess several times. At the moment, she was indifferent to the meaning of the princess.

Her face was a little heavy, and she shouted at her back, "Qi Hong."

Qi Hong hurried to her side and gently held her arm.

"Since you have something to tell me, don't you follow me?"

Shangguan Yanyu's tone was cold and oppressive, but his eyes were a little surprised. Linger was as light as a stranger in the face of his eyes. He didn't care, or he was confident!

Gongyi shadowless doesn't know the meaning of Shangguan Yanyu's behavior, but she's not good at tolerating her emotions. You're unhappy, and I'm not happy!

She raised her head slightly. If she hadn't been thinking about Juzi mountain in the future, she would have torn off the skin on her face.

She stared at Wu Jinyue and said, "the princess is already ill. If King Jin doesn't honor the promise of ling'er, ling'er is afraid that her behavior will annoy the princess."

Shangguan Yanyu suddenly moved and stopped.

Ling'er is so calm, is it difficult because there are surprises behind?

She hung her head slightly and pretended to reprimand: "linger, tell me what's wrong, that is, don't be rude to the king of Jin."

"There are bosom friends like ling'er around Yanyu. How can the king disappoint?" Wu Jinyue opened his mouth. The sound quality was relaxed and careless. He raised his hand to open the folding fan, but his eyes gently fell on the back of the persistent fan.

He glanced at the public instrument without a shadow, his expression was like the dense moonlight, comfortable and full of tenderness.

However, it seemed that the light flickered in a trance, and a slight breath passed in Gongyi's ear: "are you unhappy?"

The gentle breath with a smile spread in her ear.

He smiled lazily, but the night was beautiful but unpredictable.

"Misty rain..." Wu Jinyue whispered, "well, just receive it. I can choose to accept some of your gifts. Shall we talk while walking?"

After saying this, he ignored Shangguan Yanyu and walked away. Immediately, he seemed to remember whether he had left something behind. He turned his head to Shangguan Yanyu and said in a warm voice: "I have never been soft in dealing with affairs, and I am not used to discussing with others. You have a hand in Yu Liang's matter, and it is caused by your maid, so I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

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