Wake up Shangguan Yunxiao. The four people talked and laughed for some time. It was nearly noon when muyunxi returned to the general's house. As soon as he returned to the general's house, he received a message from his servant that general Mu wanted to see her.

When he came to the main hall, he saw mu Haolin sitting on the main seat. The tea on one side had no heat. I'm afraid he had been waiting for a long time.

She knew she was wrong. She went over and knelt down and said, "adoptive father."

Mu Haolin was touched. At the school yard in the eastern suburb of Yudu, when King Chen came down, the ministers knelt down and the sergeants greeted each other, the woman was proud and independent, and the aura radiated all over her. Rao or his long-standing general could not help being convinced.

At this moment, such a proud woman kneels in front of herself. She really regards herself as her father and respects herself!

He got up and went to her, picked her up and said for a long time, "Xi'er, I'm afraid the father daughter relationship between you and me has come to an end."

Mu Yunxi was shocked and admitted her mistake.

But mu Haolin said seriously: "From the first moment I saw you, you were well dressed, well behaved, and lost your memory, but you didn't lose your family style. I guessed that your identity was not simple. Later, on the way back to Beijing, I saw that you had excellent martial arts and awe inspiring momentum, and I was more sure of your guess. In the few months I spent with you, you had the courage that most men don't have, and you were even more outstanding in the school field in the eastern suburbs Wisdom is like a fish in water when breaking the array, and breaking the law is light and agile. "

Speaking of this, mu Haolin paused slightly.

Muyunxi didn't speak and waited for his post quietly.

"King Chen, the God of war, has a unique array, which is unique in the world. Over the years, those who can break it with such ease are rare in the world. There are many dangers, but they can always turn them into invisible. It shows that you are calm and intelligent. People like you should be famous all over the world, but you have never heard of a woman like you in the world during your father's Long March."

"In just a few months, you in women's clothes have been full of wind and rain in Yudu city. Now, you in men's clothes have become a man of the hour again. Now you are like a sword out of the scabbard. If you want to hide the brilliance, you must be buried deep or return to the scabbard."

After listening for a long time, muyunxi thought it was a lecture. He didn't dare to answer back or ask more questions, but the more he listened, the more confused he felt. Then he said, "adoptive father, Xier can't understand you."

Mu Haolin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "after all, you are still a child's nature, but you think you are playing in the world. Being a father means that you are a sword, and the sword is in danger. Don't you understand?"

Muyunxi still has some doubts. Does the adoptive father already know my identity?

A flash of thought, my heart suddenly filled with a burning heat that was difficult to stop, and I was a little flustered.

Although they have been together for only a few months, mu Haolin and his wife have always regarded her as their own and loved her. How can they have no feelings?

But soon, she denied her guess. No, her adoptive father just said she didn't know there was a woman like me.

She regained her composure and said in a slightly laughing tone: "adoptive father, don't be so serious. Xi'er knows she's wrong and won't stay up all night. Adoptive father doesn't have to worry about Xi'er's safety..."

However, before she finished, mu Haolin waved her hand to stop talking.

Mu Haolin then said, "during the battle, your martial arts and intelligence have been exposed in the eyes of many princes and courtiers. If you are willing to help king Su, the possibility of King Su's victory will be greatly increased."

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