As long as they mentioned King Chen, they seemed to open the valve of eight trigrams, and the discussion was surging with surprise.

Gongyi Wuying doesn't want to listen to foreign sounds these days. Brother Chen is in Juzi mountain. How can he come here? Are you going to sneak into the front yard? Send something? What?

She went out of the 'Lingyu Pavilion', bypassed the corridor, and suddenly a voice came to her ears

"At the banquet of King Jin's residence at that time, I was lucky to see King Chen. He really looked like a relegated immortal and had a distinguished demeanor. Alas, it's a pity that he didn't have my turn to serve a cup of tea from a distance. His young man was really quick eyed and quick......" his tone was full of disappointment.

"What's to sigh? It's normal that you don't dare to look up at King Chen. It's a pity that you didn't look at the young fellow Feng Ning around the Lord when you had the opportunity."

"I'm a little sorry." the voice suddenly lowered.

Another voice came out vaguely: "the fight between King Chen and King Jin was really spread outside. I heard..."

The voice was too low to hear clearly, but Gongyi had no shadow and probably guessed something.

She was about to move on, but she heard a voice floating up: "although King Chen's martial arts are unpredictable, King Jin will not fall behind. Draw? Although King Chen's punishment is strange, what does it have to do with King Jin? It's very mysterious. It's only said that Fengning is the favorite of King Chen, and it may be the rib of King Jin."

Suddenly, a cold voice came: "bodyguard an is the attendant of the fourth Lord. You should know the rules of the servants of the king's house. It's too long to discuss the Lord privately."

"I just said more because I thought I was in love with you. I'll be back to Yudu in a few days. What's the matter? Besides, I'm just talking about a legendary servant. Feng Ning, as a man, can be between the two kings. I think his beauty and dexterity are not under any woman." the voice was low, but there was a frivolous sneer.

Gong Yi shook his head, but inexplicably shivered, pushed aside a flower branch extending obliquely in front and left quietly.

What are the servants of the fourth Lord trying to talk to the people in the king's house of Jin? She thought to herself.

The petals were flying, and the surrounding sound gradually disappeared.

She looked around. Is this the way to the front yard? I walked around and picked a flower branch.

The construction of King Jin's residence should be the epitome of yingyue villa. Where is it?

Gongyi raised his eyes and saw a familiar bodyguard figure coming towards him from far to near.

She didn't see the familiar white shirt. She didn't know whether she was disappointed or happy, and slightly lowered her face.

A brown corner of her clothes stopped at her present, and her heart seemed to be active for a moment.

"Ling'er girl." Ye Fei's voice has never been so beautiful.

"Ye... Ye bodyguard." she raised her head.

Seeing ye Fei's gentle face and sunny smile, Gong Yi has no shadow. Therefore, he doesn't know how to react for a moment.

Ye Fei winked behind him and said to himself, "my lord ordered a pair of shoes for walking on the mountain road a few days ago. Now they have been made and sent to Miss Liu Jinglian..." a look of 'lest people don't know'.

Gongyi shadowless: "..." no wonder the king of Jin's residence is boiling. King Chen rarely takes such an action against the sky. Ye Fei is ordered to... Spread it.

Wait, these shoes are for Liu Jinglian. Can't they be my foot size? Should we not only look at the image of our hands, but also look at the size of our feet?

She looked at the box containing shoes as if nothing had happened, and seemed to open her mouth carelessly: "it was the shoes given to Miss Liu by King Chen. Guard ye, can you let ling'er have a look?"

If someone else made such a request, ye Fei must refuse, but he didn't know how good his impression of ling'er was. He hesitated for a while and said gently, "it doesn't hurt to see ling'er."

Gongyi shadowless opened the box and saw a pair of jujube red shoes with good texture.

She quietly compared her feet with her own. It was really the size of her feet. I didn't know when brother Chen got my foot size. It turned out that brother Chen was so careful to me secretly. A faint sweetness permeated into her heart. The corners of her lips unconsciously aroused a shallow smile, but in an instant, there was another worry running up her head.

Brother Chen was kind, but he became a loophole in Juzi mountain. Liu Jinglian and I are similar in shape. I hope the size of my feet is the same.

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