"This clever explanation will make people more suspicious, and this behavior itself will not be tolerated." Liu Jinglian said weakly, as if he had lost his spirit.

Gongyi shadowless saw that she looked like she had been sentenced to death. At the same time, she felt that the other party took things too seriously? Princess Chen didn't write a word. Can you scare a fool when you move out?

She lifted her eyelashes slightly, hesitated for a while and whispered, "Miss Liu, linger has something to say."

"Say anything."

"Miss and my princess are always friends, and ling'er doesn't want to stand idly by. I'm afraid she must remind... I heard that King Chen must do what he said. It's disrespectful that the gift was openly rejected. Taking this shoe is a public challenge with Princess Chen." Gong Yi paused. Seeing that Liu Jinglian's face was worse, she had to continue to make serious remarks: "Although Miss Liu's identity is no better than that of the current princess, she is also the direct daughter of the third grade official of Tianchen. Wang Chen will not give such an ordinary 'little shoes', which is obviously the idea of Princess Chen, but she sent them in the name of Wang Chen. It's not easy..."

Gongyi said without a shadow. Seeing Liu Jinglian's face getting angry and red, he knew that things had an eyebrow and was about to take out his plan in a surprise. Liu Jinglian suddenly kicked down the stool in front of him like anger.

Seeing such a reckless move of her slender jade body, Gong Yi was surprised and hurriedly came forward to comfort: "ling'er's words are not pleasant to hear, but it's the truth. I didn't expect to make Miss Liu angry... Ling'er also knows Miss Liu's mood at this time. It really shouldn't be said."

Liu Jinglian didn't answer. She looked at the box in front of her like a knife and said: "Princess Chen hides her head and reveals her tail, but pretends to be mysterious in order to master the prince's heart. The king of Chen is not satisfied with her doting, but bullies innocent people with her doting. Who in the world has no dream? The king of Chen means, is it guilty to think about it? No wonder she looks peerless, but she doesn't dare to show her true face. It turns out that she is trying to cover up that she is a dark woman The little woman who is not confident may have been cheated by her concealment. "

Her voice rose from her throat like a flame in her chest. Her words were cruel and poisonous, and her delicate and eye-catching face became ferocious due to anger.

Gongyi was stunned for a long time. Liu Jinglian said that Princess Chen had a peerless demeanor, but she didn't dare to see people with her true face... Have you seen her? She said that she was a dark and self-confident little woman and lied to King Chen? Is this an angry word to vent?

Looking at Liu Jinglian's ferocious pretty face, Gongyi shadowless felt dizzy. He read that these words were caused by himself. He stubbornly endured the unpleasant sound, did not study the things unintentionally revealed in the words, and calmly offered suggestions according to his original ideas: "Miss Liu can't worry too much. If you mess up, you will be caught."

She took the box from Liu Jinglian's hand and said slowly, "Princess Chen can borrow the meaning of King Chen to make her own ideas, and the young lady can also accept the meaning of King Chen and return the intention of Princess Chen."

Liu Jinglian recovered from her anger. "What does ling'er mean... Give back the other way?"

She caught the driftwood like a drowning man, and suddenly saw a bright willow in confusion, and a glimmer of light came from the bottom of her eyes, "but she's going back to Yudu in a few days. She really doesn't want to go back with a heart disease. Linger, do you have a way?"

"We should not only accept the things given by King Chen, but also return them to the original owner." Gong Yi had a deep look on his face.

"How is that possible?"

"How impossible?" Gong Yi raised his eyebrow, "These shoes don't fit your feet. Make another pair according to the pattern of satin and wear them on your feet. Is there anyone else who specially takes a ruler to measure them? Before leaving yun'an, the princess will go to say goodbye to King Chen. Ling'er mixed these shoes with gifts while the princess said goodbye, so as not to damage King Chen's face, but also make the so-called Princess Chen's teacher unknown and speechless, just to achieve this goal Two effects... "

Seeing Liu Jinglian's expression began to float, he knew that she had moved her heart. Gongyi had no shadow, and then said, "just to achieve this effect, you can only know me, otherwise I'm afraid it will lead to more trouble... Miss Liu should know my princess's temper."

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