This is the most spacious place on Juzi mountain. It is the darkest at night. The nearby camp has a dim light of lights. The wild flowers placed not far from the foot gather their eyesight. They can only see the flowers and branches come out and fall. When the wind blows, there are black night shadows falling on the ground.

Seeing that she had no words, she still stood so silently. Shangguan Yuchen took out a night pearl from her arms and tried to see what she was thinking - the lie has been revealed. Why not admit it as frankly as before? Isn't this a lie, or is it taboo for me to investigate?

The radiance of the night pearl is gentle, but it is bright enough to see her in front of her.

She held the corners of her clothes tightly, and even small blood vessels could be seen on her white and delicate hands.

She stared at him and bit her lower lip.

Seeing the night pearl, his eyes coagulated towards her. She put down her lips and the corners of her mouth trembled slightly, as if to speak.

In a trance, he responded with a smile -- "I want to be Qingxia..."

Very shallow and light feeling, her eyes are clear and bright. Through the soft radiance, her eyes are like a cage fog, like a wisp of bright light asking for help in confusion.

Shangguan Yuchen's heart was soft, and he slowly walked over with a roll of light sleeves. The wine pot with wild flowers under his feet had been held in his hand.

He smiled and handed it over. His tone was as soft as possible: "it's normal for a lie to be exposed... Don't think too much. Go back with the princess first."

"I'm not lying, Feng Ning can't be his daughter..." Gong Yi shadowless slowly took over the wine pot, his voice was like somniloquy, and the unique smell of wild flowers was dense between their sleeves.

"Is the witch lady Fengning? Is her daughter limited to the king and Fengning..." his tone became impatient as she admitted that she was not telling a lie. "Do you mean that you can't be a daughter because someone between you and me stopped it, or you don't want to?"

Shangguan Yuchen had never had the kind of panic that seemed to have a crisis like this, and looked at her quietly.

She can easily walk in the nine palace enchanting array and leave the mirage array in Ningyuan in the shortest time. It seems that she broke the hidden dragon chant arranged by master in yingyue villa only in a joke.

The array mouth is under the hot spring pool. She has no internal skill. She has the strength to find and remove the mechanism?

His eyes were suddenly cold. When the Dragon chant sounded, she released thick smoke at the edge of the Youwei array. In other words, she found out the broken law and told another person. Did she appear wet in front of someone that night?

I remember she was lying in her bedroom, shaking with fear when she took off her shoes.

On Yun'an lake, is it her who is kissed by someone in her arms without any resistance?

Thinking of her slight touch of a lip, she would be very shy and blush like Xia.

If she can't be a liar, why can she wear a big dress in front of someone?

Juzishan doesn't allow her to take the next step. Why should I wait? This is an inexplicable unknown

The huge Juzi mountain is very quiet, and the brilliance of the pearl is reflected on Shangguan Yuchen's face, which is full of floating dreams, with clear eyebrows and eyes.

Gongyi shadowless saw the eyes staring at him, his heart rippling slightly sweet, quietly approaching him.

"Brother Chen, what are you thinking?" the voice was soft, like a soft wind.

At this time, the wind is slightly cool, but it has a fragrant smell of wild chrysanthemum flowers.

But he suddenly took out the wild flower, threw it away, turned his head, "what else do you think the king can think of?"

Gongyi shadowless was stunned. Starling was right. Brother Chen was so angry that he looked like a child and didn't look at the environment at all.

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