In Juzi mountain camp, Shangguan Yuchen thought about Fengning's beautiful face, women's clothes and eyes. He was excited and couldn't sleep. He only hoped to explain the affairs of Juzi mountain after dawn, and then hurried back to Prince Chen's house.

Suddenly, Chen Qingfeng whispered outside the tent, "Lord." his voice lost a little calmness.

Shangguan Yuchen frowned, and his heart was unconsciously chilly, "what's the matter?"

Chen Qingfeng came in from outside the tent and said respectfully, "my subordinates, as instructed, if ling'er stops and leaves the carriage on the way, he will evacuate after ling'er safely returns to the king's house of Jin. Just when he was about to evacuate, he vaguely saw that several experts didn't enter. My subordinates were suspicious, so they asked people to follow and investigate, but he saw that ling'er fell to the ground after drinking a cup of tea. I'm afraid that ling'er was in danger."

Chen Qingfeng said, kneeling down and said, "unexpectedly, linger's safety is not on the return journey, but in the king's house of Jin. Chen Qingfeng has lost his duty."

Shangguan Yuchen was slightly relieved and asked, "where did linger get off the carriage on the return trip?"

"Huitian medical center," Chen Qingfeng replied.

Shangguan Yuchen said, "go down and follow the instructions. You haven't neglected your duty."

"I haven't finished what my subordinates reported..." Chen Qingfeng got up, but didn't leave. "Those experts who didn't enter the king's residence haven't done anything yet. Suddenly they heard a strange whistle, and those experts suddenly left in a hurry. This whistle is very similar to what they heard in the Qingfeng building before."

Shangguan Yuchen suddenly felt a chill in his heart. There was a faint uneasiness from the bottom of his heart. He asked urgently, "can someone keep up later?"

This whistle sounds like Fengning. Those experts followed the carriage to King Jin's residence. They must have found something wrong in Huitian Medical Museum.

Fengning suddenly whistles and calls, and the master leaves in a hurry. Is it something wrong with Fengning?

When Chen Qingfeng saw that his prince's words seemed to have lost his composure, he bowed his head slightly and said in a low voice: "those people left with extraordinary speed, and their subordinates couldn't wait to respond, so they couldn't keep up."

Shangguan Yuchen's face was more heavy, but he did not hesitate to pull down his clothes from the screen and said, "call your dark guard and go back to the palace quickly."


Gongyi shadowless sat up from the long box and was in a daze. The moon was high in the sky, the wind was whistling in his ears, but there was a constant sound of insects.

Compared with the silence of the mountain road before, she seemed to be another world. After being put under the quilt for so long, she left the box and took a few deep breaths. She only felt a breath of flowers and plants penetrating into her chest, which was unspeakable and comfortable.

There was no one around at this time, and the carriage disappeared.

She thought about it and blew the magic whistle again, but people unconsciously went to the dense trees and rich fragrance of flowers.

In the hazy, the shadows of the trees are mottled, the dark fragrance floats, and it seems that the golden reflected light falls into your eyes.

The fragrance is psychedelic, but it makes people sink.

Gongyi shadowless suspects that it is a rare memory fruit, which is also called forget worry fruit. This fruit is fragrant and delicious, but it will produce hallucinations after eating. If you eat too much, you will gradually forget the memory deep into the bone marrow.

There are several strains in Ninggu, which are indispensable medicinal materials for making "heart eating". But my mother is like a baby. I never dare to touch them.

She grew up in a pile of drugs and loved strange herbs. She didn't leave now. She just wanted to wait for dawn and see what happened.

The flowers here are luxuriant, dense and fragrant. Under the moonlight, the red petal crystal fruit, green as a screen, and the shade hanging cover, is like a natural flower house and tree house.

The public instrument has no shadow, the heart reads a move, then lie on one's side among them, the United States and the United States have a sleep, may not be impossible.

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